Wednesday, February 22, 2012

100 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me #2

51. I'm obsessed with Restaurant Story (app on my android.)
52. I want a truck.
53. I love colorful socks.
54. I currently own 14 purses.
55. I'm flexible.
56. I have a habit of chewing on things (such as wooden pencils.)
57. I bite my lip when I'm nervous.
58. I'm a silent sleeper.
59. I've gotten 100% on a test I didn't study for.
60. I've thought about getting a tattoo.
61. I've never driven a vehicle. 
62. I love the Sound of Music. (The movie.)
63. I love helping people.
64. I always feel like I have to have the windows down in the car..even if it's 50 degrees. 
65. I love zebra print. :)
66. I have done a standing backflip once...and didn't land on my feet.
67. I'm almost always sick with something (headache or stomachache.)
68. I like having my back rubbed.
69. I want to go to prom before I graduate.
70. I love country songs that are like stories.
71. I love chick fil a.
72. I enjoy doing yoga.
73. I wanna go to Disney World.
74. I've never liked ketchup with my french fries up till a week ago.
75. I like getting up early in the morning (sometimes. Lol).
76. I don't enjoy shopping for shoes.
77. I love the smell of fall.
78. Ignorant people tend to get on my nerves (that's not to say I'm not ignorant myself at times though.)
79. I like riding in the bed of a pickup truck. x)
80. I get impatient when I paint my nails.
81. I could live on chocolate ice cream...(okay, maybe I couldn't really, but I'd like to think I could!)
82. I wanna be a model.
83. "Red Solo Cup" loves to get stuck in my head.
84. I love fruit roll-ups.
85. I don't own a necklace.
86. I hate raisins.
87. I believe in love at first sight.
88. Whenever it was pouring down rain at my house, as a toddler I loved taking my pants off and sitting in a puddle in my underwear.
89. I don't think guys should wear the color pink (unless their girlfriends/wives make them, or if it's Easter.)
90. I don't get angry at people easily.
91. I talk a lot.
92. I hate snow.
93. I like lemonade.
94.  I wanna be in a professional photoshoot. 
95. I get embarrassed when I skype with people.
96. I love cowboys ;-)
97. I look good in the color blue.
98. The first book I ever read was the Cat In the Hat.
99. I love my best friend. ;)
100. I. Am. Amazing. 

***Forgive me if I said things that were from my previous "100 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me" blog. It's been a while since I wrote part 1.

Monday, February 20, 2012

How to Have a Lovely Monday: 10 Steps.

Most of us hate Mondays...especially when we have just had a great and eventful weekend. But often, we can choose to start off the week the right way! Here are ten easy steps.

1. Smile at strangers. When you smile at someone, you acknowledge their presence. It will make you feel cheerful inside, and could possibly brighten their day!

2. Slow down. Sometimes we put ourselves into an unnecessary rush, or feel like we have to get too many things done in a short time. It will just make us feel more stressed out.

3. Say thank you. Way too often, we forget to say those two little words. Tell someone you appreciate what they have done for you!

4. Give lots of compliments. Sure, we all like receiving compliments, but it always feels good to make someone else feel appreciated.

5. Dress nicely. Have you ever noticed you feel better when you are more nicely dressed? It will make you feel more put together, which will make you feel less stressed out.

6. Wear perfume. This one is for the girls obviously, but if you wear a scent that is refreshing and fruity, it will make you feel brighter and prettier.

7. Listen. All too often, we find ourselves talking and talking and talking, and we don't take the time to actually listen to what other people are saying to us. When you listen to someone, and talk less,  you show someone you care about what they have to say, and it will make you feel good.

8. Be charming. Smile! Be you!

9. Laugh. Laughing automatically makes you feel like a more cheerful person.

10. Wish people a lovely day. Write on their facebook wall, send them a message, text them. Let you know your thinking about them, and wish them a lovely day!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


"When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly."

"It's not who you are to the world, it's who you are to me. It's not how many times I say I love you... it's how much I really do."

"If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with..."
 "And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour."

 "I thought I loved him, but he had to break my heart for me to know what true love really is."

 "No matter how ugly you think you are, that special someone that loves you believes you are the most beautiful and irresistible thing on earth and nothing can ever change that."

"To love someone is to die for them."

Saturday, November 12, 2011

100 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me #1

1. I like climbing trees.
2. I'm a cuddlebug.
3. My feet are getting smaller.
4. I've always had a crush on Zac Efron (like, I think he's super cute!)
5. I don't like dogs very much.
6. I've only worn liquid eyeliner once (and it looked terrible)
7. I'm scared of airplanes.
8. I've fainted 7 times in my life.
9. I'm scared to drive.
10. I love making snow angels.
11. I'm a terrible painter.
12. I've never ran more than 4 miles in one time.
13. I take vitamin supplements every morning.
14. I used to be obsessed with barbies.
15. I like vacuming.
16. I've tried to make myself throw up.
17. I've always wanted to be a radio announcer.
18. I don't know what half the road signs mean.
19. I think super short dresses look ridiculous.
20. I've only been in a lagit jewelry store once in my life.
21. I used to love building things out of wood.
22. I suck at video games.
23. I fell asleep in the bathtub once.
24. I've been all my boyfriend's "first girl" (cept one!)
25. I once got a 4% on a test.
26. I sleep with my mouth open.
27. Gum always gives me a headache.
28. I love the song "Ordinary Girl" by Miley Cyrus.
29. I never wear shorts to bed.
30. I love green foods.
31. I'm fun to shop with.
32. I love the name Greyson for a girl.
33. I loved "Where the Wild Things Are" as a child.
34. I'm obsessed with brushing my hair.
35. I can't whistle.
36. I calibrate my eyes.
37. I walk really fast.
38. I have a phobia of elevators.
39. I like to go fishing as long as I don't catch anything.
40. I've never had the chicken pox.
41. I love the smell of old barns and gasoline.
42. I have four scars on my knees from when I was 3.
43. I love Tobymac.
44. I wanna buy a motorcycle when I'm old enough.
45. I've never experienced illegal drugs.
46. I love fruity drinks.
47. I was a soprano in my school choir.
48. I can rap. (But in a very, very funny way)
49. Some neighborhood kids asked me if I was a homo sapien or a homosexual when I was five. I didn't know what they meant, and refused to respond, guessing that they would make fun of me if I answered.
50. I've always wanted to be in a music video.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Books For 2011 #4 "Wintergirls"

The intensity of emotion and vivid language here are more reminiscent of Anderson's Speak (Farrar, 1999) than any of her other works. Lia and Cassie had been best friends since elementary school, and each developed her own style of eating disorder that leads to disaster. Now 18, they are no longer friends. Despite their estrangement, Cassie calls Lia 33 times on the night of her death, and Lia never answers. As events play out, Lia's guilt, her need to be thin, and her fight for acceptance unravel in an almost poetic stream of consciousness in this startlingly crisp and pitch-perfect first-person narrative. The text is rich with words still legible but crossed out, the judicious use of italics, and tiny font-size refrains reflecting her distorted internal logic. All of the usual answers of specialized treatment centers, therapy, and monitoring of weight and food fail to prevail while Lia's cleverness holds sway. What happens to her in the end is much less the point than traveling with her on her agonizing journey of inexplicable pain and her attempt to make some sense of her life.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What's the Big Deal About Halloween?

"Beware of false teachers who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are wolves and will tear you apart. You can detect them by the way they act, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit. You need never confuse grapevines with thorn bushes or figs with thistles. Different kinds of fruit trees can quickly be identified by examining their fruit. A variety that produces delicious fruit never produces an inedible kind. And a tree producing an inedible kind can't produce what is good. So the trees having the inedible fruit are chopped down and thrown on the fire. Yes, the way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit produced. "Not all who sound religious are really godly people. They may refer to me as 'Lord,' but still won't get to heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey my Father in heaven. At the Judgment many will tell me, 'Lord, Lord, we told others about you and used your name to cast out demons and to do many other great miracles.' But I will reply, 'You have never been mine. Go away, for your deeds are evil.' (TLB, Matthew 7:15-23)
This is the "TLB" teaching of Matthew 7:15-23, and I think it paraphrases the orignal verses well. Here is the KJV
What do you think God likes? Think about it for a second. Do the words gloomy, dark, vile, corrupt, evil, scary or malevolent come to mind? Of course not! Well, first what are some things God hates? God hates divorce, arrogance (the world tells you the opposite), lying, killing of the innocent, plotting to do evil, perjury, the causing of discord in a family, religious hypocrisy, the desire of violence or evil. 
"Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:22.)
There God said it. If we are Christians, we will love the things God loves, and hate the things God hates..AND we will run from evil. Notice it says "the appearance of evil." What does that mean? Imagine this: You're walking into the bathroom of the church building, and notice something smells really, really weird. As you look around, you notice some of your youth group friends huddled around in one of the stalls. You know what their doing, and you want to be with them...but your not going to smoke anything. So you go in with them. Then, the pastor walks in, and sees what's happening. Have you sinned? Yes, because you were in the "appearance of evil." The best thing to do would be to walk out and tell someone.
Now, what does God love? He loves a cheerful giver, the world, justice, the righteous, those who love Him, those who obey Him, those who pursue godliness, those who fear Him. 
When you picture God, do you picture Him in a dark room, with an evil look on His face? Do you picture Him having dinner with vampires? Oh course not! Most of us, when we picture God, first we get a comforting feeling in our hearts, and we see Him sitting on a bright throne, in a place of light and color...Him smiling down at us. (Or at least that's how I picture it.)
What would God think if you participated in what you know is evil? How do you think God feels about Halloween?
I'm not going to tell you what to do this year when it comes to Halloween, but I want you to try to get a picture of what God thinks about it and what He would want you to do about it. Know that when you see a vampire or monster, no matter the excuse you might come up for it, those things are always considered evil. Would God want you to partake in evil?

If you want to know more about why Halloween is considered "evil," look here.

God Bless, 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

10 Things I Like In a Guy

1. Must be my best friend. If he doesn't know how to just be my friend then he doesn't deserve to butter me up! 

2. Must love pickles. I'm an ultimate pickle person, and I would hope my boyfriend is too!

3. Must be able to make me laugh so hard I cry. Most of you know it's really easy to make my cry, weather its being mean or being funny. A guy should have good humor!

4. Must be comfortable watching chic flicks with me.  Alot of people know I'm a big chic flick girl, and it's always fun to watch them with someone else! If he really can't stand it, I'll play Black Ops with him as a trade :)

5. Should surprise me every once in a while. A relationship and marriage can be boring if couples get comfortable with the way things go everyday. It's always great (escpecially for the girls) if there are some surprises in there!

6. Must be liked by my family as much as by me. If my family isn't comfortable with a guy I'm with, then chances are he's not the right guy for me. I normally date for the purpose of looking at the future, and if a guy I'm dating doesn't appeal to my family, it won't look good in a marriage!

7. Must be okay with me taking pictures with him. If there's anything I can't stand, it's when a guy doesn't like taking pictures with me...his own girlfriend!

8. Must accept me for who I am. If a guy is gonna love the way I  look, yet critisize me for my beliefs or concerns or ideas, I simply can't be with him. A good relationship can't work that way!

9. Must respect my space and be willing to keep the relationship pure until marriage. I've had circumstances when a guy is really trying to push me to do things that could potentially damage my reputation as well as his and it can sometimes be hard for me to say "no." A guy needs to respect me enough to know what I want and treasure purity.

10. (Last but NOT LEAST) Must have a proper relationship with God. God designed relationships and marriages and tells Christians to be with Christians only. All relationships and marriages alike will crumble if God isn't the centre.