Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Need Your Help

Hey everyone! I'm so excited because I'm trying to remodel my room. All I have to do is hang the curtains, paint the walls, and put up the artwork. Well, if I'm being honest, all I have to do is find someone to help accomplish these tasks. I've been going back and forth on what I want to do about my bed. One picture? Two? Four? I finally decided how I want to decorate above my headboard....
A wall quote! Awesome, right? No. I can't decide which quote to choose. It's not only something that I'll read multiple times a day, but it will be in the background of my videos. I want a fun, cute, inspirational quote. I've narrowed down the list and need your help to pick the winner. Please read the following quotes and comment with your favorite! (You don't have to have a blogspot to be able to comment. Anyone can!)

Quote #1: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain"
I like this one because it's not only inspirational and cute, but I'm someone who likes to have everything planned out. When things don't go by the book or my schedule, I freak. I need to learn to "dance in the rain" or just live in the moment. This quote will definitely remind me to do just that.

Quote #2: "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
This is a really common quote, but I think every time I look at it, it will remind me to be a good person and.. to be the change I wish to see in the world! I also think it would look really good in a pretty font over the bed and in the back of my videos.

Quote #3: "Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself."
When I first read this quote it hit me hard. With out getting too into detail, a lot of people have misconstrued thoughts about me. It used to really bother me and I felt the need to defend my every action, every word, every move. I recently learned that I know who I am, and the people I love know who I am. I don't have to constantly prove myself to others. This quote really symbolizes that and I think it could help some other people who are going through the same thing if they catch a glimpse of it in my videos. Everybody is judged by one person or another, but you know who you really are inside.

Quote #4: "Even a small star shines in the darkness"
You don't have to be famous, be the prettiest person in your class, or be the best jock. You don't have to get straight A's, dress the best, or have the most friends. You don't have to be the best at what you do. You just have to have fun doing it! Everyone's important. Everyone needs the same thing. Everyone has feelings. Everyone's a star. I also like this quote cause it's going over a bed.. and you sleep at night with the lights off. "Stars" and "darkness" haha get it? Nevermind....

Quote #5: "A dream is a wish your heart makes"
I love this quote and it's from my moms favorite movie. It's about dreaming, which I think is quite appropriate.

Quote #6: "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today... it's already tomorrow in Australia"
This is obviously the silliest one, but it also reminds us not to live in fear. Something I'm not too good at. I'm a self-proclaimed "scaredy-cat." I think when I look at this quote, it will not only put a smile on my face, but it also symbolizes that everything will be okay.

Quote #7: "We don't remember the days... we remember the moments."
Just like quote #1, it reminds us to live in the moment, in the now. I like #1 better, but I think this may look prettier above a bed and it gets the same message across.

So what do you think?! Comment with your favorite quote number and help me out! The sooner I choose my favorite, the sooner I'll order it, hang it up, and do a ROOM TOUR! Also, feel free to leave your own cute, inspirational quote. Now that you see what I'm looking for, you all may be able to come up with an even better one.


  1. quote 2 is if u like Oboma, but i personally like quote 6 and 4

  2. Its hard to just pick one of those, but i narrowed it down to just quote 1, 5, and 7. Quote 3 is kool too. I think i like the wording of quotes 5 and 7 the best. So anyway, that is my comment.


    Go out with joy be led forth in peace

    Laughter sparkles like a splash of water in sunlight

    Life is to be enjoyed not just endured

    Live Simply, Give more, Expect less

    One joy scatters a hundred griefs.
    - Chinese Proverb

    Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
    - Thich Nhat Hanh

    There may be peace without joy, and joy without peace, but the two combined make happiness
    - John Buchan

    To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
    - David Viscott

    Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
    - Ambrose Redmoon

    To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
    - Anatole France
