Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Throughout the Years - Birth Through Preschool

So I've seen this tag going's basically when you tell about each year of your life, like, things you remember or know about it, or just like funny stories and such. Anyway, I thought this would be a fun thing to do, because I know some family members and friends that read this blog, and it would be kind of neat to get to know me a little bit.
So I know I'm only in ninth I obviously can't do all twelve years, but hopefully I can do them as I go, I mean, that's what blogs are for, right?
So of course, I don't remember much about birth, lol. But I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana at Community South hospital on April 16, 1996, seven pounds, five ounces, at 3:17 am. Whoa baby I totally can't believe I remembered all of that! OhMyGosh.. okay, anyways, yes, I was a really pretty baby as you'll be able to see in my lil baby picture. Oh, another thing I forgot to mention...I was a first child. Yes, I don't see why that matters, but I guess it does. So my parents got a cute little cottage house in Beech Grove. It was light blue with a traditional white fence, along with lots of colorful flowers. In my backyard I had a little swing set and a really big garden. As I said, I don't really remember much of this year, but preschool was my first year of actually going to school. So my parents got me into a private school. I remember being sooo excited to go to school. My mom came home with a big bag of a whole bunch of fun school supplies. I wanted a new backpack, but my school had certain bags that we had to use. So, anyways, I felt so proud that I had my own little seat at the school table and the play mat. Oh and also my own crayon box with all my little crayons in it on my own shelf with my name on it, along with my own little cubby hole where I put my hat and stuff. So one time I dropped my crayons all over the floor, and a little boy came over and picked them up for me. Now, I assume that I watched shows and stuff of guys doing stuff for their girlfriends, so I automatically called him my "boyfriend." I didn't treat him like a boyfriend at all, though! Haha. He was just kind of my best friend, but I called him boyfriend. I remember one day in my class when we all painted on big pieces of paper, and the teacher used my painting as an example of "excellent" artwork. Man, I remember coming home and being the happiest 3 year old ever. That was the one thing that I loved about school - art and coloring. One time they gave us these plain little books that we could make our own stories and illustrate the pictures. I drew a picture of myself being a little nurse, taking care the a patient. Apparently my favorite color was yellow (I still have the book) and I loved airplanes. I drew several pictures of my being a little pilot. Then we had our very first school group picture. And, being the tallest, I was standing up in the back, looking down at the girl in front of me during the picture. I was the only person not smiling! And during lunch everyday, there was this girl that sat next to me. I was always sooo jealous because she had a pretty little princess lunch box with vanilla cookies with really thick icing. I mean, she had this stuff every day! I would always feel so bad because I only had a little peanut butter and jelly sandwich and preztzels. I was also so jealous of this girl's clothes, because she always had the cutest jeans and shirts and shoes. And I would put together what I thought was a "cute" outfit, but my mom would say it looks ridiculous. LOL. At this time I also had my first birthday party, which of course I don't entirely remember, but I got tons and tons of toys. I had like twenty-five different baby dolls because I was really obsessed with the idea of being a little mommy. Even to this day I still have several. And I had yellow cake which I dug into with my fingers and stuffed into my mouth. I have soo many pictures of it! My whole face was yellow with cake. Haha and  there was like my whole family from both sides, plus all of my parents friends were there, so I had sooo many presents and every second I was being held by somebody. Oh, and also this was the year (3) when I learned to count to ten. I went to school and told everybody that I could, and of course nobody believed me. Haha it was just those little moments where I was so proud that I could do something that no one else could do. 
Sooo I can't really think of anything else that happened that  year. More to come with Kindergarden!

I'll post my baby picture as soon as I get it scanned! (:
Hannah xoxo

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dark Nail Polish...Yay or Nay?

So, yes, it is the colder seasons. And you know what that means? It means you can pretty much feel comfortable wearing any kind of color of nail polish! The the reason I say this is because most people like to wear lighter, more neutral colors during the warmer seasons, I guess to get pumped for the light and warm weather. But I love, love, love playing around with other colors of nail polish. I love most colors except for bright yellow or black. Honestly, I feel like black is just plain gross. It's a sign of goth and insecurity, plus it also looks sort of messy. And as far as yellow goes, I just don't like that color on my seems most things that are yellow are pretty I hope I'm not offending anyone by saying this stuff, but most people I know agree with me! 

So one of my new favorite nail polish colors is ""Lincoln Park After Dark" by OPI." Heres a picture of it:
I understand that some might think this color is considered "emo" or "dirty" or such, but I simply think it's a gorgeous color. So I really want people's opinions. This also seems to be a new trendy thing, but I also like to start my own trends sometimes. That being said, if you are someone who sets their own trends.. more power to you! When I was in eighth grade I would wear different earrings every day. Like a hoop in one ear and a feather earring in the other. Some of my friends started doing it too, but what they didn't know is that the only reason I did it was because my ears were pierced differently and when I wore matching earrings you could tell my ear holes were uneven. Anyways, to get back to the trend point, I really enjoy following the trends... but I also think dark nails really look good in fall and winter. Then I can wear bright colors in spring and summer :)
So I want everybody's opinions of weather or not you like this" Dark" color of nail polish! 
-Hannah xoxo

Photo from Blair Fowler 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Books For 2011 #1

I feel like I haven't written is such a long time! I've been so busy with school and such...but yeah I don't really have much else to say so I'll jump right into one of my favorite topics -- books! 

So I've gathered together some books that look interesting to me, and I'm gonna try to set myself a goal to read all of them this year. Their not necessarily school books, or "hard-reading" books, (I already have enough of those!) but their more like, just fun books that I can use my imagination with. 
The first one is called "Found In Translation" by Roger and Kristi Bruner. 
Here's the description: "When Kim Hartlinger arrives late on a mission trip to Mexico and discovers that the mission location has changed and now she will be doing construction in a remote village without plumbing and electricity. She can rough it with her designer clothes, or turn around and head home. With no English speaking villagers, Spanish speaking team members, or any translators, Kim worries they will not be able to reach the heart of the villagers in just 14 days. Will Kim be able to touch the villagers' hearts with the Gospel? Or will her time in Mexico be up before she gets the chance?"

I don't know...but I thought it sounded kind of interesting.|36949|101463#curr

So I decided I would just do a book every couple days, just to let y'all know the stuff I'm reading. -Hannah

Image from Google.