Sunday, March 6, 2011

Summertime, Jobs, Blog Talk, and Hypochondriacs!

Yo! I really wish I had one of those fancy intro words that people use on their blogs, but I don't like want to jock somebody's. Today's blog is gonna be slightly different. I usually think about what I'm like gonna say and I usually have this huge plan as to what I'm gonna write about, but for some odd reason I don't really have much  of a plan, but I really feel like writing, so I'm just going to type whatever comes to my head. So I'm really in the summer mood, and I'm dying for the hot weather to kick in! I also can't wait to go on my yearly summer shopping spree, but sadly, this year's is going to be different, because my mom isn't going to let me wear a lot of the same things I used to wear. I started to think she was going crazy when she said I might not even be able to wear a swim suit! Alright, well I cannot wait to get a super sweet tan this year, I mean I've already made up my mind that i'm going to spend at least 36% of my time out in the sun. I don't know, would that be like really bad for my body? At this point I don't really care because I want to tan. But luckily I don't sunburn very easily. I think I've only been sunburned one time, and it was pretty minor. Hala! But also I really want to get a nice job in the summer, because I don't want to waste my whole time out in the sun. I've already talked to my local librarians about maybe working at the library, but that would be super boring. I mean, that would be my ideal job during the springtime, but maybe I would want a job outside, like maybe car wash or something, lol. But then I can't even drive, so that could be a slight problem. I don't know, hopefully it will all work out.
Also, I have deleted a couple of comments consisting of bad words or inappropiate messages, and I really don't want that on my blog. Some people just think "hey, it's the internet, I can post whatever," but no, this isn't the place for that, so be careful what you post because other people will be reading it.
So I am pretty stressed about my homeschooling. Well, it's not really homeschooling, but it's not really public school, but somewhere in the middle, which a lot of you already know about. I know, your probably thinking that it can't be too stressful compared to whatever you are doing. Honestly, I am the worst procastinator, and I have never been a dedicated person to school and such, and I am always putting stuff off. And I have never been compelled to doing my schoolwork and stuff everyday. But this is totally different from what I have been doing. I am really trying to keep up with it, but with a couple subjects, especially math, but really it is harder than anything I have ever had to handle. I mean, right now my stress level is through the roof. But sometimes I just like need to let myself sit down and think that everything is okay and stuff, but I cannot just clear my mind of everything going on. Like, there is always something just running through my mind, that just makes me feel so weighed down. So I guess I just need to give myself some kind of break.
Also, I am a critical  Hypochondriac. I am always grappling some kind of sickness. And I know it absolutely drives everybody bonkers, because I always seem to be complaining about something wrong with me. But I've been going to the hospital and stuff all the time, and they're trying to figure out what is wrong with me. I'm not really going to give details about this stuff, because there are people who read this that I don't even know, but if you want to know then you can ask me personally. But to clarify a little bit, I always have some kind of stomachache or I feel weak. And people tell me it's probably because I don't sleep, but like I said, I have insomnia, and I can never sleep for the life of me. But the problem is I am always tired! It's so annoying, because I can never go to sleep even when I really want to. So I don't really know if that could be causing the problem, but I suppose that could be a possibility. I really think it's something that is happening on the inside of my body. Do you know how frustrating it is to have something wrong with you all the time and you don't know what it is? Also, the doctors said I'm probably going to have to have some kind of surgery! I like went in to shock when I found out people were going to be working on my body while i'm not watching! How scary. So I'd deeply appreciate some prayer for that!
So I thought about something really fun that I can do for this blog, but you may think it is totally crazy. I love the idea of doing some kind of video blog. I really think that would be easier to do, because I won't have to like type everything out and stuff, and who knows? You may enjoy the video blogs more than these blogs. Note I will not do only video blogs, because I do like doing these, but these do take like forever to type. But I do have a slight problem: I don't have a very good quality camera. I know it shouldn't be that big of a deal, but I don't want it to be like all fuzzy and stuff. I don't know, I guess I could try it and see what happens. But do tell me if you find the videos disturbing because you are like watching me talk and stuff, lol, I know that might be slightly awkward, which is really weird because I'm not even look at you when I'm talking to the camera. But yeah, lol I'm just rambling. So I'll talk to you all later! :)

P.S. I really want Steak N' just totally hit me! 

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