Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summertime and Schooltime

I hope ya'll are having a great week. Here it's extremely hot...about 100 degrees to be exact. But I'm actually enjoying it. I'm not sure why, but I like being outside in the heat. My coach said that there shouldn't be any exception or excuse for not going out running. So I'm trying to get prepared for this up-coming basketball season but making myself work a little harder than usual. I'm also trying to eat healthier and do more push-ups. All of it will pay off when the season comes. :)
This summer actually hasn't been all that eventful for me so far. I did go on a canoeing trip with my family, but most of the time I'm sitting around at home doing weird stuff like blogging and excersising..yes, I know I need a life, don't remind me again. But the boredom of the summer house really got me excited for school to start. Is that like, really weird? Yeah, it is..but I can't wait to finally be entirely  occupied with something that will keep my busy.
I'm particularly excited about biology this year. Science is probably one of my favorite subjects in school, and I love learning about the human body and stuff.
But this year I have a pretty full schedule!
I'll be doing
Algebra 1 (again)
World History
Voice Lessons
Guitar lessons
Basketball (2 teams)
Home economics
Phys Ed

So that's a LOT for me to be doing in one school year! Just pray that I end up following through with all of it!

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