Friday, May 27, 2011

100 Things You Don't Know About Me (Part 1)

1. I'm obsessed with the song "Grenade" by Bruno Mars
2. I've always wanted to say "Hey everyone, I'm Hannah Buis, and your watching Disney Channel!
3. I pierced my belly button when I was little
4. I can't whistle for the life of me
5. I can't stand being late for something
6. I've never kissed a dude
7. I won't go to sleep unless all the closets in the house are closed and at least one light is on
8. It's childish, but I'm in love with Hannah Montana's music
9. I've convinced many people that I'm 12, but others that I'm 17.
10. My number is 7
11. My name means Grace of God, beautiful, loving, and caring, and is English, Hebrew, French, German, Dutch, and Biblical!
12. I've never driven a car, and I'm not even sure I could figure out how to put the key in the ignition 
13. I LOVE dancing to the song "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix a Lot. That's so retarded and childish, I know
14. I had a pen pal from Canada 
15. I love taking pictures
16. I've been obsessed with Star Wars for quite some time now
17. I get strep throat twice every year
18. I always thought it would be awesome to be a clown
19. I make a wish every  night at 11:11 (its 11:11 right now!) (and it's always the same wish!)
20. When I was little I rolled down a hill with a gas can and got gas in my eyes
21. I did a music video to both Sneakernight by Vanessa Hudgens and Big Green Tractor By Jason Aldean
22. I've been beat up by a girl
23. I grind my teeth when I sleep
24. I want to have a baby so bad! lol actually I just wanna take care of a baby
25. My favorite candy in the world is Reeses for multiple reasons
26. I was interviewed on tv last year during the race parade thing
27. I was published in a magazine one time
28. I love the song "Ill Stand By You" by Carrie Underwood
29. I have dreams that I'm in love with guys that I don't even know (I make them up in my mind and give them random foreign names)
30. I don't enjoy drinking hot coffee
31. I've always wanted to be on the radio (one time I was on radio disney, but that doesn't count!)
32. A guy that I liked in pre-school died a couple years ago (is that about me?)
33. I have smoked a cigarette, chewed tobacco, and drank wine, and all were completely nasty, lol.
34. I used to think that I could sing, and then people would tell me that birds are falling out of the trees. But now, I don't think I can sing, but everyone is telling me that I sound good. I'm so confused.
35. People say that I say certain words weirdly, but I don't know how else you would say those words.
36. I want to be like one of those beautiful ballet dancers
37. I've played piano for the Columbia Club and church
38. I sleep on my bed, hugging something 90% of the time. usually it's like a pillow or stuffed animal or something.
39. I always sleep on my stomach/side
40. I can't ever make scrambled eggs
41. I hate listening to people talk about politics
42. I think love is one of the most important things in the whole world
43. I won an award for writing a poem
44. I'm dying to go to another country on a mission trip to visit children
45. Flying kites is one of the funnest things I've ever done!
46. I used to pray all the time that I could have a child
47. I'm very hyper and giddy most of the time
48. My favorite ice cream is cookies and cream
49. I cannot stand school drama
50. I think flamingos are about the prettiest little animals I've ever seen!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pray For Joplin

I cannot stand the feeling of being "trapped." That's what happened last Sunday night. Here, in my town of Indianapolis, I was pretty sure that the tornado was coming straight toward my own house. Knowing me, I was scared out of my mind. It's the kind of feeling you get when you just want to go down into the ground, or move across the country just for a night, knowing you will be safe there, or even trying to find somebody to hold you for a few hours just so you don't feel as scared. Well, I didn't have any of these, so I prayed, (more like panicked), and texted somebody I hardly even know, (but I knew that they would be reassurring). Sometimes, I just need somebody to tell me that I will be fine, that the storm isn't going to hit our house, (even if it might) to make me feel 80% better. I don't know why I am so upset about storms, but now I am very, very, sad for Joplin. I can't believe that the small storm in our area caused a larger storm for Missuri. My heart is very heavy for these people, because I dread what happening to them happening to me our my family. My heart is in tiny sheds of glass for these people. I pray that each one of you will come join me in helping people in Missuri. There are several ways to help.

If you are able to make a $10 donation, please text "REDCROSS" to 90999. Or, you can log onto the American Red Cross Disaster Relief donation page (once you are there enter the Joplin zip code, which is 64801, to make sure your donation is directed correctly).

Let's pray for the people that may have lost loved ones, that they will have strength.


Monday, May 23, 2011


Who's style do u like? Audrey hepburn, Gwenth Paltrow, Jenifer Aniston, or Gwen Stefani? I honestly don't care for any of them. Audrey Hepburn's is too old fashioned, Gweneth Paltrow's is pretty good, but a little on the edge, Jenifer Aniston's is know, and Gwen Stefani's is creative, but out of all I would go with Gweneth's.

When your alarm goes off, do u: jump out of bed, hit the snooze, cry? Sometimes I scream into my pillow with the little energy that I have in the morning, then I just turn off the alarm completely. I hate getting up in the morning.
Which of the following is essetial? lipstick, eyeliner, foundation, or mascara? They are all essential, but the most essential would definately be mascara, because it can be used in place of eyeliner, and most people don't really need foundation and lipstick.
What is your most essential hair styling tool? blowdryer, flat iron, curling iron, velcro rollers? Probably my straightener, because you can also use it to blow dry your hair and also curl it!
How many times have u changed your hair color this year?Once, to red, but it didn't last.
How long does it take u to put your makeup on in the morning? If I'm just going to church, then about 12 minutes. But if I'm going out, then about 30.
Where do u buy your face wash? Either online or a CVS.
Your handwriting is.....Depends! If I'm feeling scholarly then it's very elegant, but if I'm in a rush then its kinda spaced and crooked.
What's your signature scent? Victoria's Secret PINK
What type of manicure do u prefer? I like french, but I prefer a neutral pink.
Your grandmother gave u a hideous sweater. do u wear it? Of course!
What do u look for when u go shopping? Some clothes that will pass both mine and my mother's flesh inspections, anything pink, purple, or green, sparkly high heeled shoes, long dresses, floral blouses and skirts, gold neclaces, SALES! 
This summer u couldn't stop listening to?.... Uhmm hello? Taylor Swift?
Which reality t.v. show could u kick butt on? The Waltons or Little House On the Prarie. No, wait, Hannah Montana. NO! Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I'd make a great designer!
What do you think to yourself when you see an ugly girl? Every girl is beautiful. It's not on the outside what counts, but on the inside!

Do u brush your teeth in the shower? No I prefer in the sink.
What beauty icon would u love to meet? Blair Fowler or Miranda Kerr
Would u ever leave the house with a stain or rip in your clothes? Depends!

Sneakers are for?..... 
Running, walking, playin, basketball, sports, etc...

How would u describe your beauty? I don't want to sound prideful. I believe that every girl should be able to liberally describe the features that makes her beautiful. It's what God gave to every woman. I like my hair, the unique color. I like my eyes, even without makeup. But inside beauty is what matters. I believe that I have some unique qualities on the inside. I'm very maternal and I care alot about other people. God gave every girl beauty and it shouldn't be taken advantage of.

What types of guys do you search for when your in the mall? I don't search for guys. Guys can find me. I don't even notice guys when I walk through the mall, (unless they have their jeans pulled down to their knees, then I call them a ghetto idiot) but even if guys try to win me over, I say I'm taken and I'm not their type :) I don't need another heartbreak.

What are your favorite baby names?? Alexis, Caroline, Alyvia, Leslie, Emma, Rebekah, Eric, Isabelle, Bethany, Brently, Ella, Hailey, Quinn, Hayden, Anna, Brett, Chase, Ryan, Nolan, Daniel, Harper, Julia, Ashton, Taylor, Oliver, Sarah, Emily, Cara, Mark, Mandy, Melany, Elizabeth, Trenton, Payton, Gwen, Juliet.

A cute guy asks you on a date to the beach. What do you say? I'm too cool for you :D

Books For 2011 #3

Great Expectations is a dramatic novel; we are prepared for this by the drama of the opening chapter. Charles Dickens uses an advanced language that plants a clear insight of the setting, the character profiles, and the novels' historic aspects. Pip, the main character of this novel is orphaned from the start. The opening chapter shows this vulnerable child visiting his family; cold and alone standing in front of the seven graves of his mum, his dad, and his five brothers. Pip's situation is desperate, like his view on life, and challenged. This creates a dramatic entrance for Magwich, the escaped convict who threatens Pip with his life for the return of three unimportant items of food, water, and a file for his irons. By the end of this chapter Pip is left fleeing for his life in dramatic blur.