Saturday, March 5, 2011

Help Somebody Out

I know that a lot of you have already seen this, but every time I see it, I start tearing up. It is just so amazing how many people are out there who don't have homes or friends, or even clothes. Lately I've had it on my heart to really get out and help some people out. We need to be Jesus' hands and feet, and get out to tell others about Him. That's what He calls us to do. If you just look around you, you will find hundreds of people who could use some gentle, caring words, or even a hug. It doesn't even take much, today you could help somebody off of the ground, or congradulate someone who did really well on a test or something. Sometimes it's just the little things that make it so special to other people. Here are some inspirational quotes:

I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.  ~Mother Teresa

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.  ~Anne Frank

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does.  ~William James

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.  ~Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.  ~Leo Rosten

Live simply that others might simply live.  ~Elizabeth Ann Seton

We can do no great things, only small things with great love.  ~Mother Teresa

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not.  ~Dr. Seuss

Thursday, March 3, 2011

In's and Out's 5

In’s and Out’s: a really short and not nearly as gratifying favorites blog! :)


 My hair. If you know me, you know I am obsessed with taking care of my hair, and keeping it healthy, and trying to find new ways to do things with it. I always used to wish that I had lighter hair, almost blonde, but I've come to realize that my hair color is truly beautiful, and I wouldn't want to change that part. But I am still considering extensions...though I've heard reviews about girls who just cannot wait to get their's off. I guess just because they want the feeling of their light, natural hair. I can completely understand that, but I'd still like to experience with it. Really, is there anything wrong with that? Also, I love my new shampoo so much, I just can't stop washing my hair. I know your only supposed to wash every other day, but being the clean freak I am, I always feel like I need to at least wash my body everyday. But hair should only be washed every other day. Haha, well, it's just something I need to get over.

Another hair thingy: hair bows! Most of you have never seen me wearing a hair bow of some sort, but I love hair bows. I've always worn them as a little girl. And I don't love only hair bows, but just any kind of bow. The bow neclaces and earings are really pretty, and I even own a pair of socks that have bows on them!
This blog. You all understand that I have an addiction to my blog. I don't really know how many people read it, but I do know of some that actually enjoy it! And that always makes me super happy. I will try to continue to post at least every other day (:


My bedroom. I am actually really stressed out about it, because there is just so much work involved. So much planning and money! I would really like some prayer in that area.

Dark nail polish. For some reason I've become more attracted to the lighter, more feminine colors. Maybe it's just me wanting to get into the spring time mode! I don't really like spring, as it is the season of storms and rain and blur. I love summer though. So, yes, dark nail polish has been out of the question for me for a long while now!

Well that's it for now! TTFN :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Birthday Wishes + Randomness

Yes, it's another one of my random sorry about the lack of blogs lately, I'm just working on something super fun for you. So I'm going to try not to bore you with a long meaningless blog, but I'm also going to share some of my major birthday wishes. I don't really know why, but I just feel like it. It's not because I want you to buy me everything I put on here, hehe. I just thought I'd let you know some of my interests this year. 
The first thing is the BH Cosmetics  neutral pallette. I know, I have a ton of makeup already. But I've had some people recommend this one to me and I really want to try it. It's $24.99 and hopefully I can try to save up for it.
Next is and iPod Touche, and I probably don't have to post a picture of it because you all know what it looks like. But I don't really care about which generation it is, just as long as it holds at least 1300 songs. Anyway I'm kinda excited about that because my current iPod is broken because my friend stepped on it, lol. Okay your probably gonna think that I'm a total nerd for saying this, but I really want a scrable dictionary. You know? One of those nerdy, legit, electric dictionaries, because I feel  like I always have to look something up, and people always tell me to look things up, but I have extremely poor vocabulary and I never know what anything means, and I always think I know what words are or aren't in the dictionary, but I always like get into arguments with my friends about that, so if I have my own little dictionary in my purse, I can like soo prove it to them! Aha, yeah, so next thing is a big fat gift card to Victoria's Secret. Now before you start getting the wrong idea about this, I need to clarify something. I understand that the undies and bra things there are like, totally worthless, because the other day I went there to get something, and one pair of underwear was like, $17.99. Now, I don't know about you, but I really don't understand why people would spend that kind of money on something so stupid. Yes, the underwear was like super cute, and as far as I can tell, the only reason I can see for somebody buying something for that much money, it would be because someone's gonna see them in this stuff. Lol I know that sounds super stupid, but if you think about it, it's true. Lol I'm like cracking up right now. Anyways, there is also a $300 dollar bra there! Ha, now that's pretty funny. But, that is NOT why I would want to go there. And it's also not because of their clothes, though I do like some of the yoga pants and sweat outfits. Other than that, THEIR LIP GLOSS IS AMAZING. If you know me, you understand my excessive obsession with lip gloss, and personally, I think that VS has the most amazing. For some odd reason, my hair isn't like all attracted to the gloss, so it won't get stuck in my hair, and they taste sooo good. Sometimes I just put on lip gloss so that I can taste it. Lol you probably think i'm like so weird right now. But I'm in a super crazy mood. Oh, yeah, and VS has amazing perfume. Honestly, there is one perfume there that does smell like urine. Yeah, just thought I'd mention that. I really, really want a gift card and like max it all on lip gloss and pajama's :) 
Next, you've all heard me talk about it, is HAIR EXTENTIONS! I'm so excited about getting them, because I really want my hair to be longer so I can do more with it. I always love trying out new braids and products, and sometimes I can't do some of the stuff cuz I need a longer length. I also kind of want highlights, but I figure that God gave me this hair color that people call "beautiful," and I might as well keep it. So I think that's what I'm gonna do. Okay next thing is the Joico shampoo and conditioner. Now I know your probably thinking I'm like so crazy for switching up my shampoos all the time, but some of you know that hair can become immune to the particular shampoo that you are using, and if you use the same one for like ever, then that's what will happen. 
Last thing I would love to have is, well, it's not really a "thing." But if you know me, I am addicted to CHOCOLATE! I also love kit kat bars, and just anything chocolate. I think it'd be so awesome if somebody like just randomly arrived at my house with a carload of chocolates. I know, I would get super fat, but to me, that's worth it. I know that sounds terrible, but it's true! Haha!
Anyways, I thought I'd talk to you about the car that I want. I know I can't drive yet, but I like, want to go on Wheel of Fortune or something and win it. It's a shiny red Corvette :) Isn't it purdy? I understand that their like so much money, and a lot of people don't even like them. But that doesn't change how I feel about them. It's always been my dream car.
So as you know, I got a new guitar for Christmas, and I still don't really know how to play it. But that's because I can't tune it. I do have a tuner, and I don't know how to use it. If you know how to, or know somebody who does for like, cheep or free, then, I'd really appreciate it, because I already have lessons for it! :)
Also, this is super random, but I'm diagnosing myself with insomnia. I can never sleep anymore, lol