Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So as the title says, this is just a completely random blog. I haven't thought anything through, and I'm just gonna say whatever comes to my mind. So at your own risk.

The first thing that comes to my mind is my bedroom. I have really been thinking about which wall quote I want to put above my bed. My favorites are quote 7, "We don't remember the days, we remember the moments," and I like quote 1 "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain." Both of these are so true and so inspiring, and are both something I would love to wake up to every morning. They just remind me to have a good time in life, and be optomistic, and focus on the good times, not the bad. So as far as my room is concerned, these are the color themes: This first one is going to be my main wall color. Now since most of my furniture is white, I wouldn't be too afraid to make one wall black. But I'm still not sure about that, because I'm not a dark type of person. The zebra print is going to be my bedding. Now I don't have a bedpost, and I really want one, but I'm on an extremely tight budget. I'm thinking I'm gonna use my amazing craftsman skills and built a set of shelves to go as my bedpost, were I can keep my books and cd's instead of a bookshelf, as to make room for my new makeup vanity. That all being said, I do have several room inspirations. But I don't have permission to post those pictures yet. So mainly the wall color is going to be the pink, and the zebra (I've always loved zebras) is going to be my comforter printing. 

On another note, I've been getting out my dirt bike everyday now, and I loveeeee it. I don't think I've ever loved flying around my neighborhood quit so much. Today I actually grabbed my iPod on my way out, and I sang the whole time I was riding around. It's so awesome because you know nobody can hear you! I just felt so free when I was out riding; the wind in my hair in going through my large Kawasaki shirt, blowing into my eyes, and making them water to death. Ah, no better feeling than that. I really do hope to get some riding done down in the field behind my neighborhood. See, my house is on just under an acre, and that doesn't leave me much room for riding. So that's why I go around the neighborhood. But then you have to worry about people pulling out of their driveways and what not, and you just have to be safe (something I haven't learned to do quite yet). And plus my dad won't even let me go into the field by myself, which I course I can understand why. I don't want to be stranded out there, half dead with nobody around. Jeez, why do I always think outside the box? I'm not gonna be half dead! But, that's not to think I wouldn't be out stranded without gas. And THAT has happened to me before. Everyone went riding ahead of me, and my bike just died, and I had to sit there, in the middle of no where, waiting for someone to come after me. I guess it wasn't for like, an hour before somebody finally realized I wasn't with them. Boy, was I feelin the love! I was actually pretty scared. I didn't know what to do! I was by myself, all alone in a cornfield. Oh great, now I'm getting all dramatic. Not to say what I'm saying isn't true...but yeah you get the idea.
So as I was saying, I love riding my dirt bike around my neighborhood, but I really want somewhere adventurous to ride. Now this problem would be quickly solved if I could drive, or if I had an older friend who would be willing to drive me somewhere. But of course I have none of those. So I'm stuck at home. And that's a problem when you've got a nice dirt bike thats longing to get it's wheel spinning in the mud. Oh well, maybe this summer things will start changing. I mean, "OPEN your EYES Hannah, you just got the darn thing out this week." Aha...yes I do tend to yell at myself sometimes, and what I'm telling myself is true. But what I'm saying totally doesn't matter in any sense, so whoever is reading this is just wasting their precious time. Well that's not to say that's considered a BAD thing....but yeah just keep reading and try to stay awake, because I think i'm almost done.
Let's get onto the topic of music. I love music sooo dearly much, and right now I'm obsessed with one artist, and one artist only. I probably don't even have to tell you who it is, because you probably already know who it is. At the moment (No Ryan, not Kenny Chesney) it's (and no, Chris, it's not George Strait) but it's Taylor Swift! I love listening to her music so much, that I have all of her songs, even her Christmas songs and unrealesed songs. You can read my blog all about her which was published a couple days ago. But I have about 236 artists on my iPod, and she is the only one that I listen to. I'm not even kidding! I don't know what it is, but I just love her songs so much. And that's what I have to say about that.
So tonight is a school night, and I have tons of homework to do, including math which I can say right now I'm definately not going to get done, because I don't know how to do it and I need someone to help me :'( But no one apparently cares. Oh well, i'll be graduating in three years and then I won't have that problem anymore. So TTFN :)

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