Friday, February 18, 2011

Farewell pureNRG (a pureNRG tribute)

I will never, ever forget the moments I had at my very first concert, getting my very first autograph, or my very first hug from the boy of my dreams...all from my favorite band - pureNRG.
It all started with their first album: pureNRG
I found out about them in my weekly magazines that I got. I was eleven years old. I was immediately hooked to their songs "Pray" "Summertime" "Someday," and "Footloose." I was amazed at the dances and flips that they did on tour, and at such a young age! They started their group when Carolyne, (girl on right) was only 8 years old, the other Caroline, age 10, and Jordan (the guy) at 12. They really inspired me to start my own band. I just got to thinking, "hey, if they can start their own group, so can I." Some of their songs were featured on Radio Disney. The more and more that this group got to do, the more confidence I had in starting my own band. So I immediately got to work on learning the dance moves, and perfecting my round-off backhandsprings. Here's a video of one of their first concerts. 
I will never forget my first concert. I was so excited when I left that I was shaking, then I wasn't able to sleep that night. I was twelve years old. I will never forget the feeling when I, yes I got to get a sneak peek of their sound check. I waited for the concert to start for three hours (I wanted to get front row seats.) Since I knew all the songs and dances, I just sang and danced right along with them. I felt so cool because only me and them knew the dances and lyrics. Then when I went to go and get signatures and pictures, I wanted my favorite girl, (the girl on the right in the picture), to sign my CD first. So she did, but she didn't even acknowledge the fact that I was there, because she was busy talking to somebody else. Then she smeared her own signature! Of course, I was to happy to even be remotely worried about it. So I got signatures from the others, plus a hug from Jordan. I really wanted a picture, but when they said it was five dollars for a single picture, my dad said no. Again, I was too happy to worry about that.
Then their next album came out: Here We Go Again.

These songs really got to me. The dances and lyrics were even better. Here are the vidoes of the dances that I learned from: Footloose, Here We Go Again, BFF, Like, Someday, and Dance Break. Yes,  I do have many memories with these songs and dances. I practiced them everyday, and even now occasionally I'll turn on the music and dance to them, just to bring back the memories. I remember I listened to those songs everyday, 24/7. And I never got tired of them! 
Then their next album: Christmas
I never did get to go see them at Winter Jam, because they never came to Indiana :'(, but I did end up learning the dances to their Christmas songs: Away In a Manger and Joy to the World.

Then, probably my Favorite album: The Real Thing,which came out in 2010.
And I learned these songs: Radio, All About You, and Before the Sun Goes Down.
Then I heard the tragic news that the band is coming to an end in 2011. I was like OMGHHKP! I was bawling my eyeballs out! But they decided to come out with one last album in January of 2011: pureNRG Graduation.
At the beginning of this year they decided to go to Mexico on a mission trip, to hang out the with little homeless kids there. So they published two songs about their experience: Hands and Feet and Dive. I would definately have to say that Hands and Feet is my favorite song that they published. I totally got chills the first time that I heard it, and it just made me want to go out into the world and tell about Jesus. It's such a touching song, and I think everybody should hear it.
Here are their music videos that they published:

Me and my friends tried to make our own music videos to these, but without a nice camera it's pretty much impossible.
I will never, ever forget my experiences with pureNRG. I went to a total of four of their concerts. It is so sad that they are ending this year. They have made such a big impact on my life! I start to get all teary-eyed everytime I think about their break-up.

This was my last concert in 2010. They are going to have a farewell concert in March, and I'm hoping to go. But the problem is, it's all the way in NASHVILLE TENESSE! OMG. And also there's this package that you can buy which includes: private pizza party with pureNRG, $80 worth of merch idems, gold circle seating at the last concert, access to private sound check, and a proffesional photo with pureNRG. All for just $99.99. I really, really, REALLY want it, but where am I gonna get that money? I won't be getting that money, and I won't get to have one on one time with them. I know this sounds a bit synical but it's true. Oh well, I did have my moments with them when I did talk to them. They were so excited that I knew their dances and songs so well! I was pretty happy to impress them like that.

Please visit their site:
I love you pureNRG, and I will miss ya'll dearly. 

(100% permission for picture posting. Images from and google.)

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