Sunday, February 13, 2011

Throughout the Years - First and Second Grades/Dirt Bike Fun

WARNING: EXTREMELY    LONG                    BLOG

Yes, that's what it says ^^^ if there's one thing that I love, then it's riding dirt bikes. I started riding when I was in first grade. My first bike was a little Honda 50, four stroke. But I was only on that for a short amount of time before I switched over to the 70, which I liked a lot better. I always thought I was "better" than my sister because I was on such a bigger, faster bike than hers. Haha well that's a joke. Anyways, I've been riding ever since, and now I alternate the bikes I ride between a Kawasaki 300 4 stroke, 150 Honda, and a 100. It just depends on the kind of riding that I'm doing. I don't have recent pictures of me riding, but I do have several from when I was little. You can look at those at the end of the blog.
So in first grade, my parents decided to finally start going to church. They chose a big church, (Indian Creek) and we went there for seven years. This led them to the idea of "homeschooling" children, for fear of a social influence they would pick up in the modern-day schools. So of course, being new-ish parents, decided to immediately pull me out of that school and put me at home. I remember being so upset because I wouldn't get to be with my best buds. But now I can really understand the situation. My mom was driving me there and back, that's an hour in the car every day, plus paying thousands of dollars a year, just for me to learn some ABC'S. So yes, they pulled me out. And my mom went all out and got us a big school room in our house, decorated the walls with posters of the alphabet and numbers and such, and got a couple little tables with chairs that had on the back of them me and my sister's names. So, yes it was a fun experience. I could go on and tell about the rest of my school experiences throughout life, but then I wouldn't have much to blog about in the future.
As you can see, I pulled first and second grades together. The reason is because, second grade is just considered a "there" year for me. When I say that, I mean the year was just "there." Nothing terribly special happened, and first and second grades kind of tie together in a way. There are a couple of years of my life that I would consider "there" years, meaning just nothing much happened in those years.
So when I was in first grade, I not only started riding dirt bikes, I decided to join dance and gymnastics. I do have several pictures of each, but I can't find my gymnastics pictures. I just remember loving it so much. Even to this day I am still dancing and tumbling. But now I am more into volleyball and basketball. That was a major turning point in my life (8th grade) which I will throughly explain, when I get to that part of my life. But, yes, I joined dance and gymnastics. I also did tap dancing for one year but my mom decided she didn't want me tapping around to "fru fru" music. Haha, whatever that means. But I loved ballet, and I don't know why I didn't keep doing it. I did it for a couple of years, and just continued gymnastics. There was a point when I was going to join the team (the "team" for gymnastics is just the point that you get to when your so good that you can travel around and compete with a certain team) but my mom wouldn't let me because I was going to be at practice every week for ten hours. And it would be a lot of money and time, so naturally I didn't join. But I chose to just go, once a week, to gymnastics practice, and enjoyed it.
This is also the year that I got to ride my very first horse. In fact, I loved it so much, that I joined a riding class. Down the street from my house there is a nearby horse farm that we could rent horses and have classes. I picked one horse, a brown one named Candy. We went down there almost everyday and rode. I remember I was always too scared to go anything beyond a trot. I saw the horses throw my dad and another person, and I didn't want to be thrown or anything. But it was a fun experience, and I kept riding for years after that.
Most kids at this age believe in Santa Clause. I didn't. My parents didn't think it was fair to lie to me for years, then turn around and say it wasn't true. Of course, I did  have my turn in sitting on Santa's lap (and I still do to this day!) but that was when I was one or two years old, and I didn't really know much better. So yeah you just grasped a piece of my life that you will probably never put to use. What a waste, right? Haha just kidding. Well here are the pictures: Here is me, for some odd reason, well actually it's not really that odd, but i'm making a face at the camera. I swear, I have had the most difficult time finding pictures for this blog because I am always making some kind of weird face at the camera. But yes, this is me right before my big dance recital. 
 Here is me, my first time ever riding my dirt bike. It was down at my grandma and grandpa's field. Then there's me and my mom at my first field trip to the apple orchard. Then is me trail riding my best friend. Last is me at my first wedding -- my aunt's 3rd wedding. 

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