Thursday, March 3, 2011

In's and Out's 5

In’s and Out’s: a really short and not nearly as gratifying favorites blog! :)


 My hair. If you know me, you know I am obsessed with taking care of my hair, and keeping it healthy, and trying to find new ways to do things with it. I always used to wish that I had lighter hair, almost blonde, but I've come to realize that my hair color is truly beautiful, and I wouldn't want to change that part. But I am still considering extensions...though I've heard reviews about girls who just cannot wait to get their's off. I guess just because they want the feeling of their light, natural hair. I can completely understand that, but I'd still like to experience with it. Really, is there anything wrong with that? Also, I love my new shampoo so much, I just can't stop washing my hair. I know your only supposed to wash every other day, but being the clean freak I am, I always feel like I need to at least wash my body everyday. But hair should only be washed every other day. Haha, well, it's just something I need to get over.

Another hair thingy: hair bows! Most of you have never seen me wearing a hair bow of some sort, but I love hair bows. I've always worn them as a little girl. And I don't love only hair bows, but just any kind of bow. The bow neclaces and earings are really pretty, and I even own a pair of socks that have bows on them!
This blog. You all understand that I have an addiction to my blog. I don't really know how many people read it, but I do know of some that actually enjoy it! And that always makes me super happy. I will try to continue to post at least every other day (:


My bedroom. I am actually really stressed out about it, because there is just so much work involved. So much planning and money! I would really like some prayer in that area.

Dark nail polish. For some reason I've become more attracted to the lighter, more feminine colors. Maybe it's just me wanting to get into the spring time mode! I don't really like spring, as it is the season of storms and rain and blur. I love summer though. So, yes, dark nail polish has been out of the question for me for a long while now!

Well that's it for now! TTFN :)

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