Friday, July 15, 2011

iPod Madness

So I have some very sad news...I cannot find my iPod! It's been gone for about a month now. Most people know that my iPod and I are attached..I took him wherever I went: I excerised with him, listened to him the the car, listened to him while trying to go to sleep, danced with/to him, blared him in my room on my speakers...I've had him for about four years, and he suddenly disapeared! :(
Who knows? Maybe he's just under my bed. Wait, no, I forgot that I just totally gutted my entire room, car, living room, kitchen drawers, and even the bathroom! He's just gone :(
So music is one of the most important things in my life, and sometimes it's hard to live off of youtube. So I burned some CD's off of my iTunes. But it's not like I can take a flipping radio on a jogging trip with me every day! So I found two CD players that I've had for a long, long time. That lasted for about a week, and, sure enough, I broke both of them. I don't understand how or why I broke them...they are just sort of fragile. They also weren't even the best quality anyway.
So you're probably thinking, "Why in the world doesn't she just get a new one?" One word: I'mbroke. Yes, it's true...well actually that's a big fat lie, lol. I'm not broke, but it's not like I carry around a $100 in my purse everyday. So as of righht now I am going to save up for one, or two.
I say that because they have those cute little iPod Shuffles.
I think these are good for when people exersise and stuff. But I'd also like to get an iPod Touch at some point. I have a couple of friends that would like to sell me one for low money. But the reason I'd get the shuffle and the Touch is because I wouldn't want to take a chance on breaking the Touch...I could always replace the Shuffle.
My other iPod (Classic) was already very damaged :( Like I said, I did everything with him, even stepped on him a couple of times. Now I want him back more than anything, and I only wish I  knew where he was. Oh well, guess it's time to save for a couple of new ones...



  1. well hannah i got a lil blue shuffle and how is it that you can lose something as big as a classic lol

  2. How much would you like for it? And I don't know, I went camping and I may have lost it down there
    :( I had it for forever!

  3. i didnt say in was gonna give it away i love the little one i call him big blue even though he is very small lol

  4. Oh I thought you said that cuz you were selling it, lol :) why do you call him big blue?
