Thursday, October 6, 2011

10 Things I Like In a Guy

1. Must be my best friend. If he doesn't know how to just be my friend then he doesn't deserve to butter me up! 

2. Must love pickles. I'm an ultimate pickle person, and I would hope my boyfriend is too!

3. Must be able to make me laugh so hard I cry. Most of you know it's really easy to make my cry, weather its being mean or being funny. A guy should have good humor!

4. Must be comfortable watching chic flicks with me.  Alot of people know I'm a big chic flick girl, and it's always fun to watch them with someone else! If he really can't stand it, I'll play Black Ops with him as a trade :)

5. Should surprise me every once in a while. A relationship and marriage can be boring if couples get comfortable with the way things go everyday. It's always great (escpecially for the girls) if there are some surprises in there!

6. Must be liked by my family as much as by me. If my family isn't comfortable with a guy I'm with, then chances are he's not the right guy for me. I normally date for the purpose of looking at the future, and if a guy I'm dating doesn't appeal to my family, it won't look good in a marriage!

7. Must be okay with me taking pictures with him. If there's anything I can't stand, it's when a guy doesn't like taking pictures with me...his own girlfriend!

8. Must accept me for who I am. If a guy is gonna love the way I  look, yet critisize me for my beliefs or concerns or ideas, I simply can't be with him. A good relationship can't work that way!

9. Must respect my space and be willing to keep the relationship pure until marriage. I've had circumstances when a guy is really trying to push me to do things that could potentially damage my reputation as well as his and it can sometimes be hard for me to say "no." A guy needs to respect me enough to know what I want and treasure purity.

10. (Last but NOT LEAST) Must have a proper relationship with God. God designed relationships and marriages and tells Christians to be with Christians only. All relationships and marriages alike will crumble if God isn't the centre.


  1. Hey I match 9 out of 10 things, but I don’t like pickles I’m sorry lol. I will get you some though whenever you want some though. And I think ur parents would like me bc why wouldn’t they bc I am sweet to you and I really like you and also I have been searching 5 yrs for the right girl and to be truthful I thought it was you 2 yrs ago but u wasn’t sure so I told myself that I would see next yr if I saw you and the moment I seen the most beautiful girl that I had seen at the park I knew I was looking at you Hannah and one day I hope you will be the one that I will be able to say “I love you” to you every day I am with or with-out you beside bc to me you are in my heart every day that I see or hear from you and I just miss you and want to be with you no matter what and even our age hopefully won’t keep us from being together.

  2. I qualify lol but FYI it's black ops not black cops. Might wanna change that :D
