Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hey everybody! Sorry....I actually don't have BIG news, but isn't the fact that I'm back big enough? :)

So due to certain circumstances, I have been unable to log onto my Gmail (which I use to log onto my blog) so therefore I have not been able to post anything. But I'm back now in full force with my blogs. Now I will share with you some of my latest obsessions.

My first is beautiful pictures. If you haven't noticed, the last several blogs have had some kind of picture at the top. I just feel like they kind of catch the eye and get you excited about reading my blog ( So I pretty much just search the internet and find beautiful pictures that catch my eye. I'm actually pretty much obsessed with taking pictures (not just of myself) and I would love to get involved in some really photography. Now, I'm not trying to sound like a nerd or anything, but the art of taking perfect pictures at certain angles to give a picture a particular feeling or approach facinates me! This year I was actually considering taking a photography class. Well, not just "considering." I actually joined a photography class, just to find out my digital camera does NOT qualify! I needed a USL or DSL or RSL or what not kind to be able to participate in that class. When I found that out, I was like poopy! That would have been awesome! Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to stick with taking pictures of myself....(hehe). 
My next obsession is biology. Okay, I don't want to sound like a complete trekkie, dolt, weirdo girl..(Actually I AM being a nerd for Halloween) but I must express my latest preoccupation to you. Okay, most of you know, I am a complete math genious (hahahahahahahaha did I just say that!?) I bet I can't even tell you what 5 minus 4 is...or the recipricol of 4/4 (ha just kidding) but no, really, I am horrible at math! I'm a sophomore taking pre-algebra again! (I know, pathetic, right?) I'm just not a math girl. My mind doesn't work in numbers. My mind works in pictures. (Not bad pictures, mind you.) I hear people talking about things like "prime numbers" or "critical numbers" or "rate of time" and the whole time I'm like "Uhmm.....what the heck?" So yeah, I think you get my drift on that. So, aditional to that, I am not a "history/literature" person. Now, I'm also not the kind of person that will throw up at the sight of a chapter book or the story of Christopher Columbous (I think that's his name...) but I just cannot grasp all those dispensations and time periods and geography. I mean, for all I know, the egiyptians were making hyroglpyics while Jesus was dying on the cross. People tell me "to just put yourself in the story" but I really don't want to imagine myself running around with a cloth over my body rowing a boat in a swamp with croccidiles running away from an african elephant in the rainforest or getting hanged by an evil King or something. Nope, I definately don't do stuff that like. But contrary to that, I do quite enjoy writing. It's kinda my thing. You know, songs, poems, stories, jokes, novels, etc. I actually think I'm pretty good at it, and stuff like that comes easily to me. In addition to that, I cannot stand spanish. Oh, that terrible word, spanish. I will die before spanish people take over the world. I couldn't tolerate it! For all I know I'm a "chica." Which, I think is a girl. Yeah, so spanish I can't do. But you know what I can do? As I already pointed out, (which was supposed to be my MAIN point) I'm in love with biology. Yes, I just confessed...I will probably marry it. It like, my life now. I find myself spending hours on the computer just taking random biology quizzes submitted from collages. My family and friends tell me to "get a life," and I'm like...this is my life! (Haha, get it? The study of life?) Yeah, I crack myself up...Anyways I love learning about DNA and the different Kingdoms and the way photosynthesis works and all of the different animals and how their classified and all of the different plants and their cells and I could go on and on and on. I'm like, addicted to my biology book. I take it everywhere. It's like, my new best friend. I swear, I'm gonna be like some famous biologist something like that (probably not). I'll probably actually go into something like a nutritionast or dietitian or nurse or Biology teacher or something in that catagory. I don't know what it is, but the way life works and is built just amazes me!
My next obsession is chocolate milk. Yes, chocolate milk. I have at least two glasses a day. I know that sounds HORRIBLE considering all of the corn syrup and everything else that's bad about it. But I really don't like soft drinks at all (out of all I'd prefer DP), and I don't really care much for gatorade unless I'm working out. And lemonade is good...but not as good as chocolate milk! I don't know, there's something about it that just gives me chills and shakiness and mouth watering and everything else that comes with that craving. For my birthday I think I want like, a whole bunch of containers of chocolate milk powder. (Is it weird I'm always asking people for food for my birthday?) But yeah, I wouldn't drink anything else or eat any junk food ever again if I could have chocolate milk. :)
My next obsession is PLANNING MY SWEET SIXTEEN! I know, that's like six and a half months away, but you can never start planning too early! I always knew I was gonna have a big party for my sixteenth, cuz you know it's the age when you get to drive and you get a cell phone and you get to hang around with the cool people and your not considered a little girl anymore and so on. Plus, I've met so many amazing people over the past two years because I have been to so many different churches and schools and other events, and it's hard to see all of them individually, so a big party seems like a good solution. But I need help planning for it! It's in April, so I don't know about an outdoor swimming party. But there will obviously be no illegal stuff there, and it will be supervised. I want it to be fun and I really need some help planning it. You would think I've already had most of it planned by now, but every year I've come up with something, I've changed my mind! It's gone everywhere from having a sleepover with my friends to watching high school Musical movies all night to bomb fires to all nighter hide and seek around the neighborhood! I just cannot decide what to do. Maybe I should get invited to other people's parties so I can get an idea on what to do for it.
My last current obsession is playing guitar. Okay, I know your probably rolling your eyes, but lately I have really, really, really been getting into the guitar and trying new styles and transposing screamo to country and rap to lullibyes and rock and roll to hip hop. All with my guitar! I'm also working on writing songs and playing them and posting them on youtube. The problem I have with that is I don't have a camera. I know I keep saying that I'll get one, and I will, but I just can't come up with the money. I'm only fifteen and I don't have a job or anything. Hopefully soon I'll be getting the iPod Touch 4 which has a camera on it and I can just use that. So yeah, my favorite style of music to play to is country because it's obviously the easiest style to play to. Right now I'm working on some Lady A. and The Band Perry and Keith Urban. If you have any songs you want me to play (for you?) then just let me know in the comments!

So that was a lot to type and I hope I didn't bore you. I probably really need to break down my blogs into different sections so I don't overwhelm you too much. Let me know if you like my "Latest Obsessions" blogs because I really enjoy writing them! Talk to ya'll later!


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