Saturday, November 12, 2011

100 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me #1

1. I like climbing trees.
2. I'm a cuddlebug.
3. My feet are getting smaller.
4. I've always had a crush on Zac Efron (like, I think he's super cute!)
5. I don't like dogs very much.
6. I've only worn liquid eyeliner once (and it looked terrible)
7. I'm scared of airplanes.
8. I've fainted 7 times in my life.
9. I'm scared to drive.
10. I love making snow angels.
11. I'm a terrible painter.
12. I've never ran more than 4 miles in one time.
13. I take vitamin supplements every morning.
14. I used to be obsessed with barbies.
15. I like vacuming.
16. I've tried to make myself throw up.
17. I've always wanted to be a radio announcer.
18. I don't know what half the road signs mean.
19. I think super short dresses look ridiculous.
20. I've only been in a lagit jewelry store once in my life.
21. I used to love building things out of wood.
22. I suck at video games.
23. I fell asleep in the bathtub once.
24. I've been all my boyfriend's "first girl" (cept one!)
25. I once got a 4% on a test.
26. I sleep with my mouth open.
27. Gum always gives me a headache.
28. I love the song "Ordinary Girl" by Miley Cyrus.
29. I never wear shorts to bed.
30. I love green foods.
31. I'm fun to shop with.
32. I love the name Greyson for a girl.
33. I loved "Where the Wild Things Are" as a child.
34. I'm obsessed with brushing my hair.
35. I can't whistle.
36. I calibrate my eyes.
37. I walk really fast.
38. I have a phobia of elevators.
39. I like to go fishing as long as I don't catch anything.
40. I've never had the chicken pox.
41. I love the smell of old barns and gasoline.
42. I have four scars on my knees from when I was 3.
43. I love Tobymac.
44. I wanna buy a motorcycle when I'm old enough.
45. I've never experienced illegal drugs.
46. I love fruity drinks.
47. I was a soprano in my school choir.
48. I can rap. (But in a very, very funny way)
49. Some neighborhood kids asked me if I was a homo sapien or a homosexual when I was five. I didn't know what they meant, and refused to respond, guessing that they would make fun of me if I answered.
50. I've always wanted to be in a music video.


  1. There are only 50 hahaha. But these are great. Some of these I knew about but others I had no idea lol.

  2. Haha well notice it says "#1" so there will be more soon. It's just hard to come up with 100 in one setting (:

  3. hahaha I know I was just giving you a hard time about it.
