Saturday, January 15, 2011


So I've seen that this tag has been going around...basically it's just five totally random facts about me that most people may not know. Hope your interested!

1. I have this really, really weird habit of just glancing (raising my eyebrows) randomly. I'll just do it all the time...and I have no idea why! It's just so weird and everyone is always asking me why I do it!

2. I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE scary movies! I know, most people in this age are crazy about them. But, really, I've been scarred from previous violent movies, and now, every time that I watch one I usually experience dehja vu or have a nightmare later that night. So I've just decided to give them up once and for all.

3. I love writing music, poetry, songs, stories, scripts, speeches, or anything like that! I just feel like, especially when I'm writing music, I can truly express my emotions. I usually eventually end up adding chords to the lines. And also, I got a guitar for Christmas so I totally can't wait to start using that!

4. Another bad habit: chewing. I CANNOT STOP CHEWING ON MY HAIR! I usually have lip gloss on, and my hair usually gets stuck in it, and then my hair usually ends up in my mouth. Some say it's a nervous habit, but if that were true for me, I'm nervous all the time. I know that sounds a bit cliche, but it's true! I also have other bad chewing habits. Whenever I have headphones or earphones in my ears, I am always chewing on the black cord. Like, I've probably ruined like seven different sets of headphones. I know this one sounds a bit cheezy, but it's totally true!

5. I love decorating! I'm always trying to go to Hobby Lobby or Michaels or Pier 1 Imports, or just places like that so I can decorate my house or bedroom. I've actually been considering being an interior designer. I'm not sure why I like decorating...I guess I just feel more comfortable in my house if my house is clean and organized and decorated. I wouldn't say I'm OCD. In some ways I can be slightly OCD, depending on the situation, but, yeah I'm getting off topic! :)

My New Years Resolutions

I know this is totally late but I really wanted to make a post on it. I don't know why I haven't done it this year yet, but, I don't know why it really matters.

One of my biggest New Year's resolutions is trying to eat healthy. I've been showing a lot of symptoms of bad stomach bacteria or diabetes, but I can't help but wonder is maybe I should just start trying to eat healthier. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not overweight or like a big junk food fanatic. But, yeah, I think everyone's body could use a break from all of the horrible junky foods that the markets process these days. And I think that is a great New Year's resolution. 

I don't know if you would nesiccarly call this a New Year's resolution, but I have decided to start saving up my money for some of the more expensive makeup that I've been wanting (MAC, Sephora, Coastal Scents, BHcosmetics, Almay, etc.) But I really feel like I want to experience more with makeup. I just enjoy using makeup and trying new techniques. As of right now, I don't have THAT much makeup, (okay, maybe I do,) but not the kinds that I like. Okay, now I'm probably sounding all selfish and stuff, but doesn't every girl have the right to experience? I think so. 

Jeez, I should learn to condense my sentences! What a long blog! :)


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