Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 2011 Favorites

So when I had my previous blog, I would post blogs called Favorites blog. Mainly, I just talk about my have things, products, bands, and whatever else. I know it's a bit soon to be doing this, because it's only the 22nd, but I'm pretty excited to share with you all of my favorite things this month. And this month I actually have a lot of things!
The first one are pretty standered - Shampoo and Conditioner.
These products are soo amazing! I have dark brown hair, and I feel like the shampoo and conditioner really compliment my true hair color. Now I've never dyed my hair before, except underneath my top hair color, for some reason my hair is naturally lighter, but I colored those hairs because I wanted to see if it would go lighter, and it did a little bit. But I also love really good smells and these smell absolutely amazing! Like, they don't have the prevailing scent that most other shampoos have, and I feel completely satisfied and euphoric when my hair looks and smells good. But these are really expensive, like at Ulta and Beauty supply stores they're like $9.99, but I feel like if my hair turns out great, it's worth the price.

The next products are mascaras 
This first one is called Falsies by Maybelline New York. OMGHHKP I feel like this mascara makes my eyelashes look twice as big. And for the price of this mascara, that is pretty amazing. I got it at CVS for $6.95! I was really happy with the results

This next one I have been using since I was 12. I don't understand why nobody else uses this mascara! It is extreamly amazing and only like five dollars in most stores. Note that the one above this one is made to make your eyelashes look thicker, and this one is to make your lashes look longer. So sometimes if I want both results, I'll actually use both of them at the same time. I don't really know if you are supposed to do that, because I've never heard of anybody doing that, but it really works for me. 
Don't worry, I'm not going to go on and on about beauty products, lol, but I like to get these over with first. So the next thing is nail polish:
This color is soo fantastic. I love it so much, and I've been wearing it almost everyday. I think it's quite appropiate for the month of February, and I really like the neutral color. But recently I took all of the nail polish off of my nails because if you have nail polish on all the time, it will make your nails turn yellow, with is really gross. So I usually try to give my nails a break every now and then. but this color is Sweetheart by OPI.
Okay now for another beauty product. Lip gloss!!!
If you know me, then you know that I am always wearing lip gloss, and I always carry it around. I love Bath and body works and Victoria's Secret lip glosses. I feel like they actually stay on my lips for a significant amount of time, while making them look prettyish yummy! (:

Last beauty one is perfume. 
Guys, I've been wearing this perfume almost everyday. I am insane about this perfume! It is "PINK" by Victoria's Secret, and whenver I wear it, people always ask me what I'm wearing. I've had random people come up to me in the mall and go up to me and tell me that I smell amazing. I don't know, maybe the perfume sticks to my skin in a unique way...but I love it! It's kind of pricey, but I did get this one for Christmas last year. 

Next is music. Now I don't really want to be critized by my music taste this month, but I'll go ahead and tell you the artists and songs. I love love love love LOVE Taylor Swift's song "Enchanted." I cannot stop listening to it. The first time I heard it, it was played on my iPod like 300 times. Here's the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edkiwDCrm2Q 
Omg I love Owl City! Everyone makes fun of me for it, but I've really been taking to their newest album. I don't really have a favorite song, but I do like their album. 
I love Carrie Underwood's song Wasted. I've been listening to it all month. I can't really relate to it right now, but I like the beat and lyrics to it. 
Now for movies and TV shows. I don't watch a lot of TV, but I really like Genuine Ken, Little House On the Prarie, and Hannah Montana. I have always like these shows, except for Genuine Ken. But that's because it's brand new. It's basically like the Bachelor, but I think it's more teen appropiate. 
So lately I've been trying to find new things to do with my hair. I've kind of decided on one thing, and that's getting hair extentions. Honestly, my hair isn't going to be as long as I want it until I'm like 16 or 17. And I really don't want to wait that long! So I really think I'm gonna get the extentions. Also, I've been washing my hair only every other day because you don't want to remove all of the healthy oils from your hair. I feel like my hair has been so much healthier and softer. 
I've also had my dirt bike out all month. I know it seems a bit early for it, but I don't think I've ever had this much fun on my dirt bike. I don't exactly know why, but I am really enjoying just mozing around on a beautiful day. 
Well if I think of anything else that I want to include in this blog, I'll add to it later, but for now I've gotta go. TTYL!

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