Friday, March 18, 2011

Quick Update Blog

So I really don't have very much time now, but I feel like blogging because I'm in a super great mood. It's mainly going to be a quick update blog on kind of what is going on in my life right now.

So I've had several people ask me about the Throughout the Years blogs. I'm planning on putting 5th and 6th grades together in the same blog, but It's going to be a video blog. But I've been working on a good place and lighting for it. My bedroom isn't finished, so it's kind of hard to find a nice, quiet place to do it. But I've been working on it a lot. So just show a little patience for that, lol.

So we all understand that springtime is pretty much here! The sun has been shining outside for several days in a row now, and that means several things. One of those is a new spring dress. Most of you know that it's been really hard for me to find a new dress for this year, because the trends and styles are getting worse and worse these days. I wish there was a special little store that had little things and dresses that are cheap and pretty. But there just doesn't seem to be any. So I've decided to sew my own dresses and skirts. That way, I can pick out my own fabric and desired length. 
I've also been cooking like crazy. I'm not sure why, but every now and then I'll go through a phase where I just can't stop cooking. It's actually kind of unhealthy, but I can't help it. I love being in the kitchen.  A couple friends like my cooking, so I like to cook for them as well. 
I have a certain friend right now that has really been beating down on me with words. I would like to ask for prayer in that area :)

Thanks everybody,

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