Wednesday, June 1, 2011

100 Things You Don't Know About Me (Part 2)

51. My second favorite candy bar is "Crunch" yummmmmmy
52. I usually have problems with guys who "like" me that are a lot shorter or younger than me, but again it's not really on the outside that matters.
53. I don't hold grudges against people.
54. I'm a very loyal friend.
55. I enjoy cleaning toilets.
56. I love the song " A Year Without Rain" by Selena Gomez
57. I used to stuff my shirt with toilet paper when I was younger to try to be "older"
58. People who are exceedingly OCD scare me.
59. I was the biggest tomboy ever while growing up, but also the biggest girlie girl.
60. I want to play the drums 
61. The other night I dream't I was on the didn't turn out well, haha
62. I can't stand not knowing something (especially when it's about me)
63. I love using consequential words

64. Water beds bother me
65. At one point everybody thought I must be allergic to peanut butter. That scared me a LOT
66. I never want to be old. Never.
67. When I grow up I want to have a big house with a big porch going all the way around.
68. I think new born babies have the best smell ever
69. I think rock climbing is a lot of fun
70. Singing is a lot of work for me, but even though people can't tell, I thoroughly enjoy it.
71. I've always wanted to be a country singing since I was able to talk, and I still want to. Heaven knows if that will happen.
72. I cry in every movie I see. I even cried in Fox and the Hound and Alvin and the Chip monks.
73. I have a couple of good friends, and only one best friend. 
74. I frequently question my sanity, and very seriously analyze the possibility that I've gone completely nuts.
75. I never think it's right when you can't tell if somebody is a male or female.
76. I can't remember if I already said this, but I LOVE the song "All Over Me" by Josh Turner.
77. I've only been sunburned one time, and that time is right now :/ Owwwey 
78. I've always wanted to walk on the beach next to the ocean and talk to God.
79. People say I'm an excellent football player, and I love playing it.
80. My stomach gets mean butterflies in it when I see blood.
81. I can't stand Taio Cruz 
82. I have a habit of staring out windows. I feel like things come to mind better that way.
83. If I had a million dollars I would make sure everyone I love was happy before buying anything for myself.
84. I'm a very good actress
85. I've been very inspired by Michael Jackson (Don't laugh)
86. I think rainbows are beautiful
87. There's almost nothing I love better than raising my hands to the Lord in praise when singing a song to Him.
88. One of my favorite verses is Philippians 3:10, 11.
89. Whenever I think about where I will be in ten years, I always see children.
90. I've always wanted a cool nickname. 
91.  I don't blame myself, but I constantly doubt myself.
92. People get annoyed by me because I'm constantly singing poems, songs, and phrases, that I just turn into songs.
93. Sometimes I run, sometimes I cry.
94. I think the fiddle is about one of the coolest instruments ever.
95. I love "Breakeven" by the Script.
96. I've had the worst time with stuttering ever since I could talk. I'm finally coming out of it.
97. I hate watching movies in which someone is so stupid they're supposed to be funny. I just feel embarrassed for them.
98. I'm a terrible swimmer.
99. If my best friend ever dies I might as well be dead too.
100. I'm still immensely mutilated from my first and only real rejection. :''(

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