Friday, April 8, 2011

Countdown to My Birthday: Memories #2

Here I will share with you five more! :)

Memory #6: I remember my first few years of my life being a ballet dancer and tap dancer. I used to think I was the most beautiful princess in the world: my hair all up in a bun, my fluffy pink tutu, and for the first time in my life, my mom put makeup on me! I always used to feel so grown up and beautiful. I dreamed about growing up and finding my prince and us living together in a pretty pink castle. I dreamed about me riding on my white horse throughout a field, expecting my prince to jump out and save me in any kind of horrible situation. I dreamed of me growing up a having my own little daughter and dancing with her. I read my princess books and would always dream about becoming some kind of gorgeous princess.

Memory #7: I can clearly remember watching all of the Shirley Temple movies! I always envied her and I tried to learn her dances. So one day, while driving home with my grandmother, I asked her about Shirley Temple and she said that she used to work with her! I asked her if Shirley was still alive, and she said yes, she lives in the White House. So I asked if I could write her a letter and my grandmother gave me an address. I can't remember what the letter said, but all I know is I didn't receive a letter back! LOL

Memory #8: One time I was out riding a horse that we were renting. I was always so scared to ride, because I was afraid that the horse was gonna take off with me on it! I don't ever remember intentionally going beyond a trot, but I do remember my horse unexpextantly breaking into a gallop! It was probably one of the scariest moments of my life, besides the time the horse decided to chase me across the field, haha.

Memory #9: There was a point in my life where I constantly tossed my cookies several times a week. I think it was around 6th grade. I have always thought it was out of nervousness. But the doctors decided to take me in to test me to see if I had any serious illnesses. I'll tell you this right now: I hated hospitals with all of my heart and soul...I couldn't even look at one! I honestly don't know why, but that's just the way it was. So when we arrived at the hospital for some blood tests, I announced that I felt very, very sick and needed to use the restroom. So I went in the bathroom and sat down on the toilet to pee, and guess what happened? I started to see red stuff int toilet! I could not believe and could not understand why there was blood pouring out of my bottom. It honestly scared me because I heard about people who lost a lot of blood and then died. So I just sat there and cried until somebody came after me. When the doctors figured out what happened, they did a specific test on me (I can't remember what it was) but all I know now is that I never figured out why the blood incident happened!

Memory # 10: One time when I was about 8 or 9, I confessed I was going to run away from home. My parents made me so mad and I decided I was done dealing with it. So I got my little school backpack, gathered some food, water, and a change of clothes and told everyone I would be leaving. I walked out the door and went to the end of the driveway, then suddenly remembered all the little kids who get kidnapped all the time when they're by themselves. So I turned and ran back! LOL

More to come again :)

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