Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Countdown to My Birthday: Memories

Hey everyone! There has been yet another tag going around where you share some of your favorite memories with your readers. Since I am going to be 15, I'll do 15 memories. I realize that I haven't posted in a while, and normally, I would start these memories on the day that marks 15 days till my birthday, but I haven't been able to get online. So today I will share with you five of my favorite memories of my life, and for the next 10 days I'll share the rest.

Memory #1: I’m a scardy cat, to say the least, and always have been. When I was younger we lived in a two-story house and all the bedrooms were on the second floor, but the kitchen was on the first. At night, I would often be too scared to walk downstairs alone to get a glass of water, so I would beg my Mom to get out of bed and go with me. 

Once I was about 12, she told me I was old enough to go downstairs alone. I did not believe her. But, I tried to be a “big girl” and go alone (Mind you, I was 12! That’s definitely old enough to go downstairs alone to grab a glass of water!). I came to the conclusion that I should carry a “weapon” with me in case someone was lurking in the dark corners of our first floor. Carrying artillery gave me peace of mind and I got in the habit of bringing my “ammo” with me every night I made the journey down to the dark kitchen.

About six weeks into my late night expeditions, I was walking down the stairs when I heard footsteps in the kitchen. Of course, the first thing that came to mind was the only logical explanation I could think of… KIDNAPPER! I drew my weapons and pounced around the corner ready to fight off my attacker. My mom was standing over the sink with a plate in one hand and a sponge in the other, completely unfazed by my randomly aggressive entrance. What? I was an imaginative child! Then, my Mom looks at me and starts cracking up. After a few moments, she catches her breath and says, “What is that going to protect you from?” I realized she was mocking my weapon choices…

I looked down and surveyed my ammo: a slipper and a pen. Right, like that was going to keep me safe. In response to my Mom’s question, 12 year-old me responded “I can wack ‘em in the head with a slipper and stab ‘em with a pen!” From then on it’s been an ongoing joke in my family to protect oneself with a slipper and a pen.

Memory #2: I was obsessed with the kid's show Barney until age 12! Pretty much all of my siblings have been crazy about the show except for my sister, Jessie, who absolutely loves Dora and Elmo. But I remember dreaming about being on the show. I was pretty jealous of the kids on there who got to do the dances and singing and arts and crafts. So I decided to do the next best thing from being on the show: I learned all the dances and songs! I would put on preformances of me doing the dances, and I remember I just loved it so much! I would imagine that that was me on the show, that all the little kids would be watching me. It was so much fun and I can still do the dances! :)

Memory #3: When I was about 12, (haha, 12 is a common number in this blog. It was such a big year for me!) I truly, 100% believed that I was going to be a famous country singer. I practiced everyday. My friend also wanted to be a singer, so we made a little band together. Her sister eventually joined, and we would have "band practice" (our band consisting of just a guitar and our voices) and we recorded a couple of songs, including "Amazing Grace." Now, every time I hear that song, I start laughing. We really thought we were going to get somewhere with that! My friend also had a relative that produced music and he was going to schedule us a tour date...no joke! We wrote our own music and everything. It was pretty sweet. It brings tears to my eyes to remember these things! But, unfortunately, my friend and I got into a little fight, and our band broke up :( But overall, it was an awesome experience!

Memory #4: Here's a memory that I will probably never, ever forget. I was around four or five years old, and that year our neighborhood got flooded. I had a best friend, his name was Dylan, and we always played together everyday. So one day, we were wondering around the neighborhood, when we came to a place where it was totally flooded. It was at least 3 feet deep of water! Since it was a fairly hot day, we both decided it might be nice to take a little bit of a swim. So what did we do? We stripped our clothes off! Don't ask me why we do this, but every time we remind eachother  of it, we just start cracking up. But that afternoon we "swam" in our undies that little pond and had a great time. (Not to mention the punishment we recieved from our parents, lol) 

Memory #5: This one is a bit of a sad memory. For years I had this dog, half German Shepherd, half something else, but his name was Jack. Guys, this dog was the absolutely best dog that I ever had. He always went to me for everything, I was always the person to play with him, he protected me, we wanted me to feed him, and everything else you could think of. He really was the best dog ever, but except for one thing. He was over protective. He would always attack any men that came close to our house, and eventually, we had to give him away to a farmer. I remember, out of anger, throwing my fists at the wall, and for weeks they were extreamly sore, lol.

More to come! Hope you enjoyed! :)


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