Sunday, November 20, 2011


"When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly."

"It's not who you are to the world, it's who you are to me. It's not how many times I say I love you... it's how much I really do."

"If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with..."
 "And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour."

 "I thought I loved him, but he had to break my heart for me to know what true love really is."

 "No matter how ugly you think you are, that special someone that loves you believes you are the most beautiful and irresistible thing on earth and nothing can ever change that."

"To love someone is to die for them."

Saturday, November 12, 2011

100 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me #1

1. I like climbing trees.
2. I'm a cuddlebug.
3. My feet are getting smaller.
4. I've always had a crush on Zac Efron (like, I think he's super cute!)
5. I don't like dogs very much.
6. I've only worn liquid eyeliner once (and it looked terrible)
7. I'm scared of airplanes.
8. I've fainted 7 times in my life.
9. I'm scared to drive.
10. I love making snow angels.
11. I'm a terrible painter.
12. I've never ran more than 4 miles in one time.
13. I take vitamin supplements every morning.
14. I used to be obsessed with barbies.
15. I like vacuming.
16. I've tried to make myself throw up.
17. I've always wanted to be a radio announcer.
18. I don't know what half the road signs mean.
19. I think super short dresses look ridiculous.
20. I've only been in a lagit jewelry store once in my life.
21. I used to love building things out of wood.
22. I suck at video games.
23. I fell asleep in the bathtub once.
24. I've been all my boyfriend's "first girl" (cept one!)
25. I once got a 4% on a test.
26. I sleep with my mouth open.
27. Gum always gives me a headache.
28. I love the song "Ordinary Girl" by Miley Cyrus.
29. I never wear shorts to bed.
30. I love green foods.
31. I'm fun to shop with.
32. I love the name Greyson for a girl.
33. I loved "Where the Wild Things Are" as a child.
34. I'm obsessed with brushing my hair.
35. I can't whistle.
36. I calibrate my eyes.
37. I walk really fast.
38. I have a phobia of elevators.
39. I like to go fishing as long as I don't catch anything.
40. I've never had the chicken pox.
41. I love the smell of old barns and gasoline.
42. I have four scars on my knees from when I was 3.
43. I love Tobymac.
44. I wanna buy a motorcycle when I'm old enough.
45. I've never experienced illegal drugs.
46. I love fruity drinks.
47. I was a soprano in my school choir.
48. I can rap. (But in a very, very funny way)
49. Some neighborhood kids asked me if I was a homo sapien or a homosexual when I was five. I didn't know what they meant, and refused to respond, guessing that they would make fun of me if I answered.
50. I've always wanted to be in a music video.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Books For 2011 #4 "Wintergirls"

The intensity of emotion and vivid language here are more reminiscent of Anderson's Speak (Farrar, 1999) than any of her other works. Lia and Cassie had been best friends since elementary school, and each developed her own style of eating disorder that leads to disaster. Now 18, they are no longer friends. Despite their estrangement, Cassie calls Lia 33 times on the night of her death, and Lia never answers. As events play out, Lia's guilt, her need to be thin, and her fight for acceptance unravel in an almost poetic stream of consciousness in this startlingly crisp and pitch-perfect first-person narrative. The text is rich with words still legible but crossed out, the judicious use of italics, and tiny font-size refrains reflecting her distorted internal logic. All of the usual answers of specialized treatment centers, therapy, and monitoring of weight and food fail to prevail while Lia's cleverness holds sway. What happens to her in the end is much less the point than traveling with her on her agonizing journey of inexplicable pain and her attempt to make some sense of her life.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What's the Big Deal About Halloween?

"Beware of false teachers who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are wolves and will tear you apart. You can detect them by the way they act, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit. You need never confuse grapevines with thorn bushes or figs with thistles. Different kinds of fruit trees can quickly be identified by examining their fruit. A variety that produces delicious fruit never produces an inedible kind. And a tree producing an inedible kind can't produce what is good. So the trees having the inedible fruit are chopped down and thrown on the fire. Yes, the way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit produced. "Not all who sound religious are really godly people. They may refer to me as 'Lord,' but still won't get to heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey my Father in heaven. At the Judgment many will tell me, 'Lord, Lord, we told others about you and used your name to cast out demons and to do many other great miracles.' But I will reply, 'You have never been mine. Go away, for your deeds are evil.' (TLB, Matthew 7:15-23)
This is the "TLB" teaching of Matthew 7:15-23, and I think it paraphrases the orignal verses well. Here is the KJV
What do you think God likes? Think about it for a second. Do the words gloomy, dark, vile, corrupt, evil, scary or malevolent come to mind? Of course not! Well, first what are some things God hates? God hates divorce, arrogance (the world tells you the opposite), lying, killing of the innocent, plotting to do evil, perjury, the causing of discord in a family, religious hypocrisy, the desire of violence or evil. 
"Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:22.)
There God said it. If we are Christians, we will love the things God loves, and hate the things God hates..AND we will run from evil. Notice it says "the appearance of evil." What does that mean? Imagine this: You're walking into the bathroom of the church building, and notice something smells really, really weird. As you look around, you notice some of your youth group friends huddled around in one of the stalls. You know what their doing, and you want to be with them...but your not going to smoke anything. So you go in with them. Then, the pastor walks in, and sees what's happening. Have you sinned? Yes, because you were in the "appearance of evil." The best thing to do would be to walk out and tell someone.
Now, what does God love? He loves a cheerful giver, the world, justice, the righteous, those who love Him, those who obey Him, those who pursue godliness, those who fear Him. 
When you picture God, do you picture Him in a dark room, with an evil look on His face? Do you picture Him having dinner with vampires? Oh course not! Most of us, when we picture God, first we get a comforting feeling in our hearts, and we see Him sitting on a bright throne, in a place of light and color...Him smiling down at us. (Or at least that's how I picture it.)
What would God think if you participated in what you know is evil? How do you think God feels about Halloween?
I'm not going to tell you what to do this year when it comes to Halloween, but I want you to try to get a picture of what God thinks about it and what He would want you to do about it. Know that when you see a vampire or monster, no matter the excuse you might come up for it, those things are always considered evil. Would God want you to partake in evil?

If you want to know more about why Halloween is considered "evil," look here.

God Bless, 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

10 Things I Like In a Guy

1. Must be my best friend. If he doesn't know how to just be my friend then he doesn't deserve to butter me up! 

2. Must love pickles. I'm an ultimate pickle person, and I would hope my boyfriend is too!

3. Must be able to make me laugh so hard I cry. Most of you know it's really easy to make my cry, weather its being mean or being funny. A guy should have good humor!

4. Must be comfortable watching chic flicks with me.  Alot of people know I'm a big chic flick girl, and it's always fun to watch them with someone else! If he really can't stand it, I'll play Black Ops with him as a trade :)

5. Should surprise me every once in a while. A relationship and marriage can be boring if couples get comfortable with the way things go everyday. It's always great (escpecially for the girls) if there are some surprises in there!

6. Must be liked by my family as much as by me. If my family isn't comfortable with a guy I'm with, then chances are he's not the right guy for me. I normally date for the purpose of looking at the future, and if a guy I'm dating doesn't appeal to my family, it won't look good in a marriage!

7. Must be okay with me taking pictures with him. If there's anything I can't stand, it's when a guy doesn't like taking pictures with me...his own girlfriend!

8. Must accept me for who I am. If a guy is gonna love the way I  look, yet critisize me for my beliefs or concerns or ideas, I simply can't be with him. A good relationship can't work that way!

9. Must respect my space and be willing to keep the relationship pure until marriage. I've had circumstances when a guy is really trying to push me to do things that could potentially damage my reputation as well as his and it can sometimes be hard for me to say "no." A guy needs to respect me enough to know what I want and treasure purity.

10. (Last but NOT LEAST) Must have a proper relationship with God. God designed relationships and marriages and tells Christians to be with Christians only. All relationships and marriages alike will crumble if God isn't the centre.


Hey everybody! Sorry....I actually don't have BIG news, but isn't the fact that I'm back big enough? :)

So due to certain circumstances, I have been unable to log onto my Gmail (which I use to log onto my blog) so therefore I have not been able to post anything. But I'm back now in full force with my blogs. Now I will share with you some of my latest obsessions.

My first is beautiful pictures. If you haven't noticed, the last several blogs have had some kind of picture at the top. I just feel like they kind of catch the eye and get you excited about reading my blog ( So I pretty much just search the internet and find beautiful pictures that catch my eye. I'm actually pretty much obsessed with taking pictures (not just of myself) and I would love to get involved in some really photography. Now, I'm not trying to sound like a nerd or anything, but the art of taking perfect pictures at certain angles to give a picture a particular feeling or approach facinates me! This year I was actually considering taking a photography class. Well, not just "considering." I actually joined a photography class, just to find out my digital camera does NOT qualify! I needed a USL or DSL or RSL or what not kind to be able to participate in that class. When I found that out, I was like poopy! That would have been awesome! Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to stick with taking pictures of myself....(hehe). 
My next obsession is biology. Okay, I don't want to sound like a complete trekkie, dolt, weirdo girl..(Actually I AM being a nerd for Halloween) but I must express my latest preoccupation to you. Okay, most of you know, I am a complete math genious (hahahahahahahaha did I just say that!?) I bet I can't even tell you what 5 minus 4 is...or the recipricol of 4/4 (ha just kidding) but no, really, I am horrible at math! I'm a sophomore taking pre-algebra again! (I know, pathetic, right?) I'm just not a math girl. My mind doesn't work in numbers. My mind works in pictures. (Not bad pictures, mind you.) I hear people talking about things like "prime numbers" or "critical numbers" or "rate of time" and the whole time I'm like "Uhmm.....what the heck?" So yeah, I think you get my drift on that. So, aditional to that, I am not a "history/literature" person. Now, I'm also not the kind of person that will throw up at the sight of a chapter book or the story of Christopher Columbous (I think that's his name...) but I just cannot grasp all those dispensations and time periods and geography. I mean, for all I know, the egiyptians were making hyroglpyics while Jesus was dying on the cross. People tell me "to just put yourself in the story" but I really don't want to imagine myself running around with a cloth over my body rowing a boat in a swamp with croccidiles running away from an african elephant in the rainforest or getting hanged by an evil King or something. Nope, I definately don't do stuff that like. But contrary to that, I do quite enjoy writing. It's kinda my thing. You know, songs, poems, stories, jokes, novels, etc. I actually think I'm pretty good at it, and stuff like that comes easily to me. In addition to that, I cannot stand spanish. Oh, that terrible word, spanish. I will die before spanish people take over the world. I couldn't tolerate it! For all I know I'm a "chica." Which, I think is a girl. Yeah, so spanish I can't do. But you know what I can do? As I already pointed out, (which was supposed to be my MAIN point) I'm in love with biology. Yes, I just confessed...I will probably marry it. It like, my life now. I find myself spending hours on the computer just taking random biology quizzes submitted from collages. My family and friends tell me to "get a life," and I'm like...this is my life! (Haha, get it? The study of life?) Yeah, I crack myself up...Anyways I love learning about DNA and the different Kingdoms and the way photosynthesis works and all of the different animals and how their classified and all of the different plants and their cells and I could go on and on and on. I'm like, addicted to my biology book. I take it everywhere. It's like, my new best friend. I swear, I'm gonna be like some famous biologist something like that (probably not). I'll probably actually go into something like a nutritionast or dietitian or nurse or Biology teacher or something in that catagory. I don't know what it is, but the way life works and is built just amazes me!
My next obsession is chocolate milk. Yes, chocolate milk. I have at least two glasses a day. I know that sounds HORRIBLE considering all of the corn syrup and everything else that's bad about it. But I really don't like soft drinks at all (out of all I'd prefer DP), and I don't really care much for gatorade unless I'm working out. And lemonade is good...but not as good as chocolate milk! I don't know, there's something about it that just gives me chills and shakiness and mouth watering and everything else that comes with that craving. For my birthday I think I want like, a whole bunch of containers of chocolate milk powder. (Is it weird I'm always asking people for food for my birthday?) But yeah, I wouldn't drink anything else or eat any junk food ever again if I could have chocolate milk. :)
My next obsession is PLANNING MY SWEET SIXTEEN! I know, that's like six and a half months away, but you can never start planning too early! I always knew I was gonna have a big party for my sixteenth, cuz you know it's the age when you get to drive and you get a cell phone and you get to hang around with the cool people and your not considered a little girl anymore and so on. Plus, I've met so many amazing people over the past two years because I have been to so many different churches and schools and other events, and it's hard to see all of them individually, so a big party seems like a good solution. But I need help planning for it! It's in April, so I don't know about an outdoor swimming party. But there will obviously be no illegal stuff there, and it will be supervised. I want it to be fun and I really need some help planning it. You would think I've already had most of it planned by now, but every year I've come up with something, I've changed my mind! It's gone everywhere from having a sleepover with my friends to watching high school Musical movies all night to bomb fires to all nighter hide and seek around the neighborhood! I just cannot decide what to do. Maybe I should get invited to other people's parties so I can get an idea on what to do for it.
My last current obsession is playing guitar. Okay, I know your probably rolling your eyes, but lately I have really, really, really been getting into the guitar and trying new styles and transposing screamo to country and rap to lullibyes and rock and roll to hip hop. All with my guitar! I'm also working on writing songs and playing them and posting them on youtube. The problem I have with that is I don't have a camera. I know I keep saying that I'll get one, and I will, but I just can't come up with the money. I'm only fifteen and I don't have a job or anything. Hopefully soon I'll be getting the iPod Touch 4 which has a camera on it and I can just use that. So yeah, my favorite style of music to play to is country because it's obviously the easiest style to play to. Right now I'm working on some Lady A. and The Band Perry and Keith Urban. If you have any songs you want me to play (for you?) then just let me know in the comments!

So that was a lot to type and I hope I didn't bore you. I probably really need to break down my blogs into different sections so I don't overwhelm you too much. Let me know if you like my "Latest Obsessions" blogs because I really enjoy writing them! Talk to ya'll later!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Worth It - Franscesa Battistelli

Love's not a feeling
Love's not convenient
But I know love will change your life
Love takes sacrifice
Love cuts like a knife
Sometimes love will make you cry
Love's not easy
But it's worth it

Love is a hunger
But love won't leave you empty
See it's the language of the heart
Love can steal your pride
But love won't let you hide
It takes everything you've got
Love's not easy
But it's worth it

What you gonna do when the bottom falls out
And you're left with nothing but your fear and your doubt to hold to
Who will hold you?
Where you gonna run when it's all on the line
And you're looking for someone to save your life
To save your life

Love can hear you
Love can heal you
If you let it inside
Oh, remember now
Love's not easy
But it's worth it

What you gonna do when the bottom falls out
And you're left with nothing but your fear and your doubt to hold to
Who's gonna hold you?
Oh, where you gonna run when it's all on the line
And you're looking for someone to save your life
To save your life

Love can hear you
I know love will heal you
If you let it inside
Oh, remember now
Love's not easy
But it's worth it

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Faith Can Move Mountains" Faith Story #1

Many individuals appear to never have any faith in their religion or what some refer to as ‘The Maker Above’, until something comes along to drastically alter their thinking. A tragic event happened before Sara’s parents opened their eyes to that word called ‘Faith’. After the crisis was over her family found going to church every Sunday was now going to be a permanent event.

Sara’s mom and dad went to church when they felt like it, if ever. Young couples even today feel that they have little time to get up every Sunday morning and yet it seemed harder in the 1950’s to attempt to dress four children and themselves properly for church. The dread of having to walk the three fourths of a mile was pure agony with young children ranging from six years to nine months. Pride prevented Sara’s parents from ever asking for a ride from a neighbor or a relative that just happened to be going to the same church.

Things drastically changed when the five year old Sara fell from a flight of stairs going up to a second story apartment. She had to wear her Grandma’s high heeled shoes and climb the steep outside stairs to show her girl friend. How proud she was to wear those special shoes…little did she realize that she would miss making it to the top landing by four steps.

Just as she was going to step up to the fourth step to the landing with her right foot her left ankle weakened causing her to loose her balance. There was only a thin railing with no spindles in between to break her fall. Her tiny grip snapped freeing her to fall from the second story on to a cement sidewalk.

By the time the ambulance arrived she was in a coma. After being taken to the tiny community hospital after many tests it was revealed that she had a compound fractured skull, a concussion, a fractured left hip, and a blood clot behind her left ear. Doctors gave little hope for any recovery. They informed the family that praying was all that would help. Of course doctors never like to be truthful, they want to give some hope, so they told them it would be a miracle if their daughter woke up let alone be normal.

Sara’s parents called a priest to administer last rites as their religious beliefs recommended at a time such as this one. Their daughter did indeed receive the sacraments but continued to remain in a coma. Around the clock vigils were held at the bed side by friends and family, while priests from Sara’s Moms’ parish took twelve hour shifts to comfort family and close friends. On the afternoon of the third day she opened her eyes and saw her parents, recognizing them at once. Doctors rushed in and more tests were completed to verify that she was indeed 100% normal. Of course she would have a headache for awhile, but that would lesson each day as her head healed.

It was from those three days of praying to saints and the almighty one above that gave them the faith to believe in miracles and that religion in their life was important and needed to be practiced weekly if not on a daily basis.

Today Sara is a healthy individual who has gone far in life. Her accomplishments include BSA in teaching, Certified in Psychology and Mental Health, and an author of several self healing books.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summertime and Schooltime

I hope ya'll are having a great week. Here it's extremely hot...about 100 degrees to be exact. But I'm actually enjoying it. I'm not sure why, but I like being outside in the heat. My coach said that there shouldn't be any exception or excuse for not going out running. So I'm trying to get prepared for this up-coming basketball season but making myself work a little harder than usual. I'm also trying to eat healthier and do more push-ups. All of it will pay off when the season comes. :)
This summer actually hasn't been all that eventful for me so far. I did go on a canoeing trip with my family, but most of the time I'm sitting around at home doing weird stuff like blogging and excersising..yes, I know I need a life, don't remind me again. But the boredom of the summer house really got me excited for school to start. Is that like, really weird? Yeah, it is..but I can't wait to finally be entirely  occupied with something that will keep my busy.
I'm particularly excited about biology this year. Science is probably one of my favorite subjects in school, and I love learning about the human body and stuff.
But this year I have a pretty full schedule!
I'll be doing
Algebra 1 (again)
World History
Voice Lessons
Guitar lessons
Basketball (2 teams)
Home economics
Phys Ed

So that's a LOT for me to be doing in one school year! Just pray that I end up following through with all of it!

Friday, July 15, 2011

iPod Madness

So I have some very sad news...I cannot find my iPod! It's been gone for about a month now. Most people know that my iPod and I are attached..I took him wherever I went: I excerised with him, listened to him the the car, listened to him while trying to go to sleep, danced with/to him, blared him in my room on my speakers...I've had him for about four years, and he suddenly disapeared! :(
Who knows? Maybe he's just under my bed. Wait, no, I forgot that I just totally gutted my entire room, car, living room, kitchen drawers, and even the bathroom! He's just gone :(
So music is one of the most important things in my life, and sometimes it's hard to live off of youtube. So I burned some CD's off of my iTunes. But it's not like I can take a flipping radio on a jogging trip with me every day! So I found two CD players that I've had for a long, long time. That lasted for about a week, and, sure enough, I broke both of them. I don't understand how or why I broke them...they are just sort of fragile. They also weren't even the best quality anyway.
So you're probably thinking, "Why in the world doesn't she just get a new one?" One word: I'mbroke. Yes, it's true...well actually that's a big fat lie, lol. I'm not broke, but it's not like I carry around a $100 in my purse everyday. So as of righht now I am going to save up for one, or two.
I say that because they have those cute little iPod Shuffles.
I think these are good for when people exersise and stuff. But I'd also like to get an iPod Touch at some point. I have a couple of friends that would like to sell me one for low money. But the reason I'd get the shuffle and the Touch is because I wouldn't want to take a chance on breaking the Touch...I could always replace the Shuffle.
My other iPod (Classic) was already very damaged :( Like I said, I did everything with him, even stepped on him a couple of times. Now I want him back more than anything, and I only wish I  knew where he was. Oh well, guess it's time to save for a couple of new ones...


Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July..I know I did! I saw a few people I haven't in a very long time and got closer to them..that's always good!
Not much besides that has really been up with me lately. But I am finding everyday that I enjoy playing guitar a lot! I'm struggling in a few areas, as is every begginer, but I am really working towards being able to play all of my favorite songs without problems. I remember learning piano and how it only took a couple months then I was able to play almost anything. The same has kinda been with the guitar so far...anyways, yeah that's what I've been into.

Hope all of you have a good rest-of-the-week and weekend!



PS: tweet me!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Friends, Flags, Family, Flames, Fireworks...Fourth of July!

Every year my family goes to the fireworks on July 3rd that are in Beech Grove. Basically there is just a giant park and they play country music and sell food and cotton candy and then set off about a 30 minute firework show. I love going to those fireworks because I always end up running into old friends that I haven't seen in a long time. And the actual fireworks are the best! My favorite part is, of course, the grand finale. It gives you that feeling deep inside that you just can't get anywhere else. 
But it's only been about 3 years that I've actually been able to enjoy fireworks. Ever since I half drowned at 3 years old, I hadn't been able to do anything...if it came to motorcycles, water, airplanees, sometimes car rides, and especially fireworks. I'm not sure why I couldn't stand them...they just scared me! I wasn't until age 12 when I realized I was not going to die from them. But I can remember every year that my parents tried to take me when I was little, and I remember (very clearly) screaming for bloody murder right when I heard the booms. I remember getting all tense in my legs and then not being able to move them or walk when I got home. Those years were some hard ones for me in my earliest years (yes, I know i'm still in my "early" years, but not earliest) and just this year as well as these last couple of years I am finally starting to come out of my silly fears. Just the other day, my family went on a canoeing trip, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to do it, but to my surprise, I canoed with almost not problems. Now my next step is to go on a roller coaster at the county fair...I'm gonna make myself do it, (but I'll most likely bring along a plastic bag as well as a pillow to serve as a screaming foundation to throw my face into when it gets to the scary parts). 

But it's also important that we not only look at this holiday as a fun thing for the family to do, but that we look at why we are celebrating. Here is an elaborated story of why we celebrate.

 Great Britain kept trying to make the colonists follow more rules and pay higher taxes. People started getting mad and began making plans to be able to make their own rules. They no longer wanted Great Britain to be able to tell them what to do, so they decided to tell Great Britain that they were becoming an independent country. The Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and they appointed a committee (a group of people working together to do a specific job) to write a formal document that would tell Great Britain that the Americans had decided to govern themselves. The committee asked Thomas Jefferson to write a draft (first try) of the document, so he worked for days, in absolute secret, until he had written a document that he thought said everything important that the committee had discussed. On June 28, 1776, the committee met to read Jefferson's "fair" copy (he put his best ideas together and wrote them neatly.) They revised (made some changes) the document and declared their independence on July 2, 1776. They officially adopted it (made it theirs) on July 4, 1776. That is why we call it "Independence Day." Congress ordered that all members must sign the Declaration of Independence and they all began signing the "official" copy on August 2, 1776. In January of the next year, Congress sent signed copies to all of the states.
The Declaration of Independence is more than just a piece of paper. It is a symbol of our country's independence and commitment to certain ideas. A symbol is something that stands for something else. Most people can look at a certain little "swoosh" and know that it stands for "Nike." Well, the signers of the Declaration of Independence wanted the citizens of the United States to have a document that spelled out what was important to our leaders and citizens. They wanted us to be able to look at the Declaration of Independence and immediately think of the goals we should always be working for, and about the people who have fought so hard to make these ideas possible. The people who signed the Declaration risked being hanged for treason by the leaders in Great Britain. They had to be very brave to sign something that would be considered a crime! So every time we look at the Declaration of Independence, we should think about all of the effort and ideas that went into the document, and about the courage it took for these people to stand up for what they knew was right -- independence!

This year I hope you'll take the time to think about what Independence Day is really all about..and be thankful for what other people have done for you. 
It's important to celebrate our freedom in this world, but it's even more important to thank God for the freedom that we have in Him. We are given that freedom when we choose to follow Him. 
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

Everyone have a wonderful 4th of July! Remember to stay positive and enjoy spending time with the people you love! But also remember to thank God for your freedom.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Favorites

So I know I've been sharing a lot about music and such. But this month has been huge in that area for me in so many areas. I started playing guitar this month and I'm totally loving it! I am struggling a little bit in several areas, but I practice constantly. Above is one of my new favorite songs and music videos. I love music videos that are like "stories," if you know what I mean. This one is kind of like that. It doesn't just show the artist singing. It actually shows action and things that are happening in the song itself. But I like this song particularly because it's really easy to play on guitar and it's also easy for me to sing. I don't necessarily particularly care for Justin or Chris just because that's not my style in music, but they did a great job on this song.

My other favorite song this month is "Gift of a Friend" by Demi Lovato. Most of us know what Demi has been going through, as far as eating disorders and such goes. I'll just say right now that I can relate to her in so many ways, when it comes to singing or personal life. She's a truly amazing woman and I've always looked up to her. 
Her song "Gift of a Friend" just touches my heart in the most incredible way. It makes me think about how much my friends mean to me. I don't know what I would do without them. I've gone through lots of hard times, but they have been right there, with a shoulder to cry on or just to talk to. I love them so much and I always think about each and every one of them when I hear this song. Here's the song.

Lots of Love,


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Site: Formspring

This flower is gorgeous! 

Formspring is mainly just a website where you can go and ask me anything. I will answer anything logical. :)


Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Beautiful Ocean

Hello people! It's been quite a month here in my life. I've missed writing on here, but the problems are I either haven't been available, or I just couldn't think of anything to write about. But lately I've been obsessing over the beauty of the ocean.
So as you see above is a picture of the ocean. I don't know if this is really what the ocean looks/feels like, because I went when I was very little, but I know that it's beautiful. This summer I would really like to go, but unfortunately I don't have the money, and neither does my parents. All I can do is look at pictures of it and sit by the pool, imagining I next to it. At night I dream I'm sleeping on the sand. It's the most amazing feeling! I can't wait to get some money to go see it!

"The sand is a cloud, soft and white,
And as you step, it slips up around your feet and in between your toes.
Each step you take is warm, warm as hot cocoa,
On a cold winter’s night.

As you lie on your green, green towel,
The sun shines bright,
A fire, creating warmth
Starting at your toes, it creeps up through your legs,
Past your hips, chest, and arms,
Your fingers tingle, and your face feels pure bliss,
As the flames, envelope you like a blanket.

The water so clear, so blue,
Like a mirror, a diamond, a gleam,
The foamy white waves crash against the sandy shore,
Licking your toes, and with a little giggle,
You run run into the ocean, a baby to her mother."

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Favorite Songs...Dance Playlist

Whenever I hear these songs I, yeah, start dancing! Here's my dance playlist:

Feelin' So Fly - TobyMac (favorite!)
Baby Got Back - Sir Mix A Lot
Baby Come Back - Vanessa Hudgens
Live Out Loud - Group1Crew
Boomin - TobyMac
Best of My Love - The Emotions
Jump On It - Sir Mix a Lot
The Slam - TobyMac
One More Time- Daft Punk
City On Our Knees - TobyMac
Dancing Queen - Abba

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Favorite Songs

Here are some of my favorite songs this and last months that I have not been able to stop listening to! They're in order from most liked to least.
Lead Me - Sanctus Reel

Who Says - Selena Gomez

Ours - Taylor Swift

All Over Me - Josh Turner

Chicken Fried - Zac Brown Band

Grenade - Bruno Mars

Yes You Have - Leeland

If This Was a Movie - Taylor Swift

Untouchable - Taylor Swift

Amazed - Vanessa Hudgens

Forever Love- Francesca Battistelli 

Someday Soon - Francesca Battistelli 

A Little Bit Stronger - Sara Evans

Live a Little - Kenny Chesney 

Honey Bee - Blake Shelton

Firecracker - Josh Turner

Hero - Mariah Carey 

If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away - Justin Moore

I Won't Let Go - Rascal Flatts 

I Hope You Dance - Leanne Wommack 

Breakeven - The Script

Forget You - Cee Lo Green

What Hurts the Most - Rascal Flatts

Beautiful Eyes - Taylor Swift

Jump Then Fall - Taylor Swift

Born to Fly - Sara Evans

Love Story - Taylor Swift